Why there life doesn't counted as ours?

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We love the earth, And it's our planet isn't it true ?
Hi I'm innocent dog do anyone hear me ?No no one hears innocents
Hi I'm a bad person do anyone knows me ?
Yes everyone knows me
Why innocent is in the grave ? Instead of bad ones ?

I ask myself why world is so.Insane ?
What is wrong with people here ?
I think everyone is addicted to drama
Only attracted to things that bring trauma

If you only have love for your race
Then you can only leave space to discrimination.
And discrimination only generates hate
And when you hate you only generate war

Humans spend 100$ for alcohol that brings short term of happiness
But can't feed the poor creatures so what's Life without happiness?
I think about it, it brings tears to my eyes

When i looked for the sun, but it’s raining
Hey humans when negative angriness surrounds you just think someday it will turn around ! You can't get rid of your angriness by killing innocents

No one wins after killing innocents
Because we all lose when we feed innocents souls in grave !

Where is our love gone ?
Are they buried in past forever?
Instead of creating trauma
Bring back lovism
Instead of killing innocents
Bring back a god that we put faith in

Oh gentle sleep
Oh lonley night
Fill the innocents dogs eyes with sweet dream
Oh gentle god
Make the dawn grow bright light for those who lost their lives
Oh god ,
I hope heart will beat again
On the branches of hope
God just take this scary people away

A little bird will sing again
A cats will meow again
Dog will play again
Everyone will live happily!

Save life save water ?
Save resources Save earth?
Save trees Save earth?
Why not Save animals Save life ?

I Sohan basnett is standing against the alone animals Save animals Save life Their life maters too

                                -Sohan Basnett

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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