CHP 9 :- Akdoo Ji

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I was driving to the cafe

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I was driving to the cafe.

Why am I going to a cafe ? instead of going to my company. The answer is to take back my phone which got replaced yesterday.

To whom it got replaced by ? The one, I don't want to see again after I learned the bitter truth yesterday but here I am, on my way to meet her and see her face.

Paro Agarwal...

Why in the fucking world my phone has to replaced by her only ? Can't that be any other person ? Why did it have to be her only ? I groaned.

You might wonder I can just send someone else to pick my phone up by her like Vinod but I fucking can't and the reason is also her only.

Flashback of yesterday's night :-

"Hello Mr.Singhania ?"

Paro. It's her voice.

That means this is her phone ? I blinked as I stared at the device in my hands. Then I remembered we bumped into each other in the corridor and that time our phones fell down and in a hurry I picked her phone by mistake. I just picked whichever phone got into my hands as I just want to get away from there. I came from my thoughts when I heard her voice again.

"Mr. Singhania ? Are you there ?" I cleared my throat. "Yes" I said. "Then you must already find out that our phone got exchanged. You picked my phone as you left in a hurry and I picked yours." I hummed.

Her voice sounds so sweet even when I am speaking to her on the phone...

"But it's not your fault though. Our phones literally looked the same so you didn't realise that the phone wasn't yours, I myself just noticed that phone wasn't mine so I called you from my bhabhi's number, you must see the name on the screen right ?" She asked and I nodded then quickly hummed as I remembered she couldn't see me.

"I will send someone to return your phone and take mine. Just give an address for it." I coldly said which I never used to talk with her before but I think I will use this tone only with her from now onwards.

It's better that way only.

"Umm..Mr.Singhania what I am saying is that..why don't you come by yourself and take your phone ?" She said. "No. I am busy. I can't come so I will send someone else" I denied quickly.

I don't want to see her.

"Liar. You want to." My subconscious mind mocked.

I ignored my mind. "Mr. Singhania..
why bother someone for such a small task right ? Just come yourself and take it. What do you say ?" She said. I was again going to denied when she said.
"Besides, I-I actually want to s-say something to you..Mr.Singhania."

I frowned. She wants to say something to me but what ? "No and listen I---" but she cut me off. "Listen to Mr.Singhania..just come okay and if you don't come I will do something."
I raised my eyebrow. "Like what ?" I asked coldly.

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