Chapter 3

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They've been flying, and flying, and flying. They flew from island to island, taking breaks when they needed to. Qibli regrettably, brought a ghost scroll, a joke book, riddles, and all his puns. It was a good way to pass the time, but sometimes annoying.

"What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?"  he'd ask.

"What?" Turtle asked, only interested in the water jokes.


Turtle face taloned,  but still chuckled.

"What do you call a fish with no eyes?"

"A blind fish?"

"A fsh."


"Fish is f-i-s-h, but a fish with no i's is f-s-h." ,he explained.


"Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?"


"He won the no-bell prize."

"STOP WITH THE JOKES!!!" Sundew shouted.

"Alright, but don't talk to me when you're bored."


They continued flying for a while, and stopped for the night on an island full of caves.After they found a big dry one, Clay and Qibli went looking for food, while everyone else settled down for the night. "The next island should be Midpoint, so we'll get there sometime in the morning." Moon said looking at the map. Once Clay and Qibli got back, they all ate their share and tried to get some shut eye.

"What do you call a fake noodle?" Qibli asked suddenly.

"I swear I'll smother you while you sleep if you finish that." Sundew declared.

Qibli jumped up yelling "An impasta!" and ran down a tunnel connected to the cave they slept in as Sundew chased him. "Sundew I'll kill you if you so much as put a poisonous caterpillar on him." Moon cried as she chased Sundew. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DRAGONS!!! THEY ARE CENTIPAAHH!!!  SPLASH.... "Should we go after them?" Clay asked after all was quiet.

"R.I.P. boiling water!" They heard, "You will be mist"

"I swear you will DIE!" , followed.

Moon walked back laughing, followed by a scowling Sundew and a grinning Qibli. Then they noticed how wet the two of them were. "What happened?" asked Blue while adding more flamesilk to the fire to help them dry up. When Moon could control herself she said "Sundew was chasing Qibli down the tunnel when the floor gave out underneath them. They fell into an underground lake with a lot of glowworms on the roof. Then Qibli said the water joke and Sundew tried to jump on him. Instead she face planted in a stalagmite poking out of the water!"

"I don't want to hear a word about this." Sundew declared

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