The Aftermath.

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Months had passed since that night and many a date had been done. Yang again had dragged them off to another bar for their "Friendship night". It was stupid as it sounded. I blinked open my eyes and sat up. I ended like the first one. Ruby collapsed in my bed, me on a make shift one. Next to me lay Ruby, still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up, but I did have work. Sighing, I grabbed my pencil and paper. I wrote a small note for her, placed a glass of water and two tablets on the desk next go her and got dressed.

I shut the door, when I left, and locked it. Slowly I started to head to work. I made the same trip to the shop and walked in. I walked into the shop and pulled on the apron. Yang was there, holding her head as she took orders from the customers. Weiss was sitting at the table opposite to the counter, drinking a latte from what I could see. Every time Yang would either wince or flinch at something Weiss' face changed to small amount of concern. I smiled at the small thing and turned to go to the counter.

"Hey Yang."

"Oh...hey Blake."

"Head still hurt?"

"Yeah, a lot. What happened with Ruby? Weiss said she didn't find at home."

"I still don't know where she lives so I took her mine. After another small staring contest with a mirror she collapsed in my bed." I laughed lightly. Yang did too, turning to take an order from someone. I went to back to make the drinks. I was passing them put when I got an text.

'Hey Blakey! Sorry about last night I got drunk and probably did something bad. Anyway, do you mind if I stay at yours today? And maybe tomorrow. I don't seem to remember where I put my keys so I'm going to get new ones. The guy at the shop said it may take a while. So....mind if I stay?' I smiled at the sweet text. Knowing that Ruby was probably worried about staying at mine I replied quickly.

'Of course. I don't mind. You can use the shower and some of my clothes. And help yourself to my cookie stash.'

'Cookie stash.?'

'Yes, cookie stash.'

'Are you an angel?'

'Ruby, no.'

'Because I want your cookies'

'That doesn't even make sense!'

'I know. Anyway, thank you so much. You won't regret it!'

I smiled and turned back to making more of the drinks. I passed them around until no one was in the shop or was just leaving. Weiss was still there. Me and Yang were messing with Weiss when I got another text.


'Yes ?'

'Would you be upset if I eat all of your cookies?'

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