| Ep 2 |

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My back is pressed up against the cold glass of the back door of the bus. I try to control my breathing, not in need of a panic attack at this very moment.

"Y/N," Ashlyn calls out to me from the front of the group, "Can we open the back door?"

I shimmy around so my back is towards them. I peek through the window and shake my head, seeing another bus right behind us, "It's blocked!"

Logan's sniffles are heard from beside Ashlyn, "W-What do we do?"

I frown at his cries and am about to say something comforting when Aiden speaks up with a nervous smile, "Die?"

"Aiden!" Taylor and I scold him.

Without warning, the phantom lunges straight for us. I let out a scream as I hide behind Ben's tall figure. Last thing I heard was Logan's watch going off before falling off my bed.

"Agh!" I wince from the fall, propping up on my knees. I glance at my surroundings, now back in my bedroom. I raise a hand to my chest, feeling the fast beating of my heart under my palm.

I try to gain my composure before getting back on my feet. My phone keeps buzzing on my nightstand so I reach out for it. The time reads 12:01 am. My notifications are full of our group chat, where everyone is checking in. I shoot a quick thumbs up with a smiling emoji before shutting my phone off.

I carelessly toss it on my bed and strut over to my bathroom. I squint when the lights go on and cringe at my rough reflection. I run a hand through my disheveled bed of hair and grip onto the edge of the counter with the other. I stare at my own face with disappointment, tracing a finger over my heavy eyebags.

I sit cross-legged on the bathroom floor and close my eyes. I mentally count to ten several times, steadying my breathing. I do this until my breathing and heart rate slows, avoiding any oncoming panic attacks. Once finished, I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance,

"How much more of this can I take..." I whisper to myself.

- - -

I drag my feet through the school halls, heading down to class. My head is lowered lazily as I enter the classroom. I grunt when I feel my head bump into someone's back. I look up to see a confused-looking Tyler standing beside his sister. I give them both a half-assed smile,

"How'd you guys sleep?" I ask as the three of us find our seats. I sit at the empty desk behind Tyler and next to Logan.

Tyler answers first with an unamused face, "Like shit."

I give him a pitiful chuckle. Taylor answers with a simple hum.

I peer around the classroom, seeing that all my friends were fighting to stay awake as well. I rest my head on the cold surface of the table, sleep threatening to consume me at any moment. I then shoot up at the sound of Mr. Thomas' voice,

"Everyone, get your homework out please..."

We all stay silent and I pull my folder out of my backpack. I sigh as I stare down at the blank worksheet. I didn't get a chance to do my work last night, being too caught up on preparing for...well, yeah.

I must've fallen asleep at some point during class because next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake. My eyes shoot open and I sit up, startled by the rough nudge on my arm. I squint my eyes, adjusting to the bright classroom lights.

"C'mon, Y/N," Tyler pokes at my shoulder, "Class ended."

Aiden approaches from behind him and adds, "Yeah, we're all eating lunch together."

He then glances back at Ashlyn, who's packing up her things, "Y'know, to talk about 'stuff'."

I roll my eyes at his pathetic attempt at being secretive. I then shake my head at Tyler before lowering my head back down, "Five more minutes..."

Tyler and a couple of the others chuckle beforehe takes it upon himself to pull me up by my arm. I groan in protest but reluctantlylet him drag me out of my seat.

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler Hernandez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now