| Ep 26 |

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We are all leaning over the lunch table, staring at Ashlyn's shadow. Completely confused, we all share the same expression and Tyler stands up straight, crossing his arms over his chest,

"Am I seeing this right?"

Back in the phantom world, Ashlyn had chopped off her braids, but it seemed that the physical change didn't transfer to the real world. In fact, today her hair was just as long as it was before she cut it, neatly tied in pigtail braids per usual.

Looking back down at the shadow, it was evident that her braids weren't visible in it, instead it was her shoulder bob.

Aiden laughs at the sight, lifting one of her braids and saying, "Woah that's pretty rad-"

"Let go before I break your arm." Ashlyn warns, giving him a lethal glare from the corner of her eye.

Taylor groans from my right and throws her head down on the table, "Ha...another mystery..."

I look over at Tyler sitting on the other side of her, now that he was in view with Taylor bent over. As soon as he notices my glance, he turns away. I spin my head back down at my untouched plate, not expecting him to react strangely like that. From my left, Logan speaks up,

"This might have something to do with why injuries from the phantom dimension don't transfer over to our dimension."

"Speaking of injuries," Ashlyn tilts her head over at Logan and I, "How are you guys holding up?"

"Oh, um," Logan talks first, moving his hand down to lightly clutch his torso, "It kinda feels like I have a rash and it's pretty sore. Like I've been doing sit ups or something. But it's nowhere near as painful as it was last night."

It's strange how injuries work, especially how different the level of pain is here in comparison to the other dimension. Sometimes I forget about my shoulder unless I bump it with something or move it too much.

Taylor lifts her head up from the table and nudges my side, "And you?"

"Hm? Oh- I mean, like Logan said. It isn't as bad here, it just sort of stings at times." I catch Tyler staring at my shoulder for a second, but I don't comment on it.

Ashlyn nods, glad we're holding up well. She turns over to Aiden and Ben, who finally decided to make an appearance after vanishing during passing period, "And what about you guys? What happened?"

Aiden chuckles nervously, "Ah-right. That."

I raise a brow, not failing to notice how uncomfortable Ben looks next to his cousin right now, "Is everything okay...?"

Ben doesn't answer, instead Aiden asks him, "Ya sure you want me to tell 'em?"

Ben swiftly swipes his thumbs on his phone screen, allowing the text-to-speech feature to read aloud his message. It's funny how none of us have ever bothered to question why he never speaks. I've just been assuming he's mute or something.

"It's best to have these types of things out in the open if we're going to be a team." The robotic voice speaks through his phone.

"'These types of things'?" Taylor asks, now sitting straight up.

I cross my arms over the table, giving Ben my full attention. The voice then adds, "But I'm putting my earbuds in until Aiden's done."

And that's exactly what he does. He plugs them in and taps on his phone, likely listening to music to drown out whatever personal business Aiden is about to share with us.

Aiden casually shrugs, "'Ight, well, that's that then."

He clears his throat, and now everyone is locking their attention on the blonde,

"He is right though, it's probably best to let you guys know before you accidentally set him off or somethin'."

"...Set him off?" Ashlyn questions, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yup. But...This conversation doesn't go outside of this group," He cocks his head sinisterly, being very serious about this, "Understood?"

I feel a cold shiver run down my body at his gaze and we all synchronously answer, "...Okay."

Of course, Tyler's the only one to retort, "Don't tell me what to-"

Taylor pinches him and he yelps, Ow-!...Fine..."

Aiden continues, "I don't think any of you have realized this yet, but Ben has anger issues. Like- extreme...haha. Much worse than the half-wit over there."

I hold back from laughing at Aiden's personal attack toward Tyler, who glares over at him.

"And," Aiden rests his chin on his hand, "...The reason also has to do with why he doesn't speak."

Ah, so there is a particular reason to that.

"Ben was in sixth grade when the incident happened...or was it seventh? Anyway- He's always been a big guy for his age, and his size tended to intimidate people."

I quietly hum, understanding that bit. I remember seeing him for the first time and being a little surprised at how he towered over me. But he had such a soft face that it made me feel at ease. As I got to know him better, I couldn't see him as anything but kindhearted.

"Despite his appearance though, Ben was pretty timid. And more than anything, he loved singing. It was everything to him."

I smile at that, imagining how his voice would sound. I bet he was an incredible singer...

"However, because his appearance didn't match his personality, he started to get bullied for it. It didn't start out as bullying. The group of idiots offered to 'fix' him first."

I sharply inhale, feeling offended that someone would think there was anything that needed to be changed about him, "Fixed? Ben is perfect just-"

My voice is laced with anger. I feel Tyler's hand rest on my lower back to stop me from interrupting. He gives me a soft glance, which worked to calm me down. Aiden eyes me appreciatively before resuming his story,

"...Offering for him to join their group and they would teach him how to fight. Once Ben refused though, that's when it started. They started to beat him nearly everyday."

I try my best to keep my mouth shut, but it feels like a knife has been stabbed through my chest. I know what it's like...not the beating, but the manipulation. People can make you feel helpless, like there is nothing you can do but satisfy their commands.

There's a reason I've grown to have such a tough shell...

"Afterwards, the leader, Shane, would ask Ben to join his group. And every time, Ben told him no. Then one day, Shane decided to take things to a drastic level."

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler Hernandez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now