Chapter 9

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Lilith's schedule was filled with study sessions, each meticulously planned to prepare her for King Alric's impending visit. As she entered the study chamber, she was greeted by the headmistress, a woman named Lady Eveline, known for her stern demeanor and extensive knowledge of courtly etiquette. Lady Eveline was a formidable figure, her silver hair pulled back in a tight bun, and her gaze sharp behind spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Lady Lilith, please, have a seat," Lady Eveline gestured to a chair across from her desk.

Lilith complied, her expression composed but inwardly curious about the purpose of this meeting.

"Lady Lilith," Lady Eveline began, her voice firm yet not unkind, "I must confess that I am impressed by your knowledge of customs and cultures, particularly those of Eldoria and the realm of King Alric."

Lilith inclined her head slightly, acknowledging the compliment. "Thank you, Lady Eveline. I have had the privilege of learning from various sources over the years."

The headmistress arched a brow. "Indeed? Pray, enlighten me. How did a shadow wielder such as yourself acquire such extensive knowledge?"

Lilith hesitated briefly, choosing her words carefully. "My education has been unconventional," she replied, her voice measured. "I have been fortunate to study under scholars and mentors who valued understanding the world beyond our borders."

Lady Eveline regarded Lilith with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "Your insight will serve you well during King Alric's visit," she remarked, a hint of approval in her tone. "Now, let us continue with our studies. We have much ground to cover."

As their study session came to a close, Lilith took a moment to inquire about Lady Eveline and her background.

"Forgive my curiosity, Lady Eveline," Lilith began respectfully, "but I am intrigued by your role here. How did you come to serve as the headmistress of this house?"

Lady Eveline regarded Lilith with a small, knowing smile. "Ah, my dear Lady Lilith, my story is a long one," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "I have served the royal court for many years, initially as a lady-in-waiting to the late Queen Isolde, blessed be her memory."

Lilith's interest piqued at the mention of Queen Isolde, a figure of great reverence in Eldoria. She listened intently as Lady Eveline continued.

"After the queen's passing, I transitioned into my current role, overseeing the education and training of young ladies in courtly etiquette and diplomacy," Lady Eveline explained. "It is a position of great responsibility, but one that I find deeply fulfilling."

Lilith nodded thoughtfully, her respect for Lady Eveline growing with each word. "You must have witnessed many changes within the court over the years," she remarked.

Lady Eveline chuckled softly. "Indeed, Lady Lilith. The court is ever-changing, and each generation brings new challenges and opportunities."

Lilith offered a small smile, appreciating the wisdom in Lady Eveline's words. As she rose from her seat to take her leave, she felt a sense of gratitude for the insights shared by the seasoned headmistress.

"Thank you, Lady Eveline, for your guidance," Lilith said sincerely. "I look forward to our next session."

"Lady Eveline, what can you tell me about Lady Lyra?" Lilith asked, her tone polite yet tinged with a hint of reservation.

Lady Eveline regarded Lilith with a thoughtful expression before responding. "Ah, Lady Lyra," she began, her voice carrying a note of recollection. "She did indeed receive training in courtly manners, much like other young ladies of her station. However, Lyra was never one to conform to traditional expectations. She possessed a fiery spirit and a strong will that set her apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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