ch. 1

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wednesday may 1st, 2024


third-person pov

in a world where music had always been a universal language, the news of the united nations banning music on a worldwide scale came as a shock to millions of people around the globe. today, is the day. the day that everyone has been dreading for the past three months. the decision was made in an effort to promote peace and harmony among nations, as the leaders believed that music had the power to incite violence and unrest. the no music bill was met with protests and outrage from musicians, music lovers, and activists, who saw it as a violation of their rights to freedom of expression and creativity. many argued that music was a form of therapy, a means of self-expression, and a way to connect with others on a deeper level. without music, they feared that the world would lose its vibrancy and soul.

many artists and bands have quit their music careers to adhere to the international music ban, others took to social media to voice their dissent and mobilize supporters to push back against the ban. but the united nations was unyielding in its decision, citing studies that showed a correlation between music and social unrest in certain regions. as the days passed, the absence of music began to take its toll on society. people felt a sense of emptiness and isolation, as the melodies that once brought them joy and solace were now forbidden. the streets were eerily silent, devoid of the sounds of instruments and voices that used to fill the air. in these dark times, the united nations even put in place a new form of police called, the silencers. they're in charge of making sure that no one has music or will play music in any capacity! they even make sure that bands and artists can't meet together.

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"we need to stop this!" brian says emphatically, "we all know this isn't right." brian says, "it's not something that we should conform to!" he states.

"i agree with brian!" nick agrees, "it's forced conformity and they're saying that all music causes civil unrest? like have they heard majority of the music out there?" nick asks, "have they learned nothing from the pmrc supreme court case?" he asks rhetorically, "this is absolutely ridiculous." nick says irritatbly.

"it really is, and i agree that this music ban isn't only ridiculous, it goes against our first amendment rights!" kevin, brian's cousin says, "but, i don't know how we'd go about doing protesting this," kevin starts, "i mean, we could all be arrested just for meeting here today." he says.

"it's true, kev, but we can't just sit here and let the united nations ban everyone's music." aj chimes in, "why did we start this band in first place?" he asks rhetorically, making everyone of the band members think back to why they started music in the first place, "we did this because music is alive in us, in our souls." he says, "without music, or my family, i wouldn't be here today." aj says poetically, "so, i want to fight this." he states.

"i agree with aj." howie nods, "we can do this and we just need to figure out how." he says, "besides, they can send us to jail, so what?" he says, "at least it's for a cause that we love and believe in and can't live without." he says.

"well, we have to be smart about this." kevin advises, "we all can't just walk out and start protesting together without the proper permits or even a good enough case as to why we're going to be protesting." kevin says to his sibling-like friends, "besides, it's not like we can just all waltz in at the same time and get the necessary permits to protest." he says.

"we have a good enough reason, kev." brian says, "we can't sit here and do nothing while our first amendment rights are being taken away." brian says, "we have to do something to try and get this ban reversed." he says.

"trust me, i want to fight this as much as anyone else wants too." kevin says, "but how should we do this?" kevin asks, "because they ask for names on those protest applications." he says, "and besides, everyone will recognize us if we go in together." he says.

"well, maybe we can go to a state where it's okay for bands to meet together, and then obtain a permit?" nick asks.

"no, that wouldn't work because the permit would only be legal in that state." howie shakes his head gently, "we should do some research on this for a while before we do anything rash." he advises.

"what if we go in separately a few weeks apart from each other and each of us obtain a permit?" aj asks, "that way, they can't deny us, and won't find anything suspicious?" he says.

"they're going to have to ask what it's for, and we can't lie on it." howie speaks up, "we also need to state that reason as well because if we don't then they won't give it to us." he says.

"well, maybe we should just try aj's idea and see how it goes." brian shrugs, "i mean, the worst that can happen is only jail time." he says.

"well, i don't think that's an option for us." nick says, "we need to have clear records so that way they'll listen to us." he says, "other artists who've gotten thrown in jail for the very thing we're proposing have never been able to reverse the ban." he states.

"that's a valid point of concern, nick, but we have the right to protest." brian says, "i'm not gonna let my fear of jail stop me either, but i agree, we need to be smart about it." he says.

"so, we'll do some research on this at our next meeting." kevin says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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