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My wallet is empty, I just finished my freshman year at high school, and am deciding I need a job. Now I would love to work at Disney World for the summer. The problem is: I don't live in Florida. I live in the suburbs of Portland, Oregon. It's much more likely for me to work at the smaller-but-no-less-famous Disneyland, but even I know that isn't going to happen.

I used to imagine my first job being somewhat spectacular. I would picture myself as the glamorous teen working at the popular clothing store or at an ice cream parlour. It was only a few years ago that I wanted to work at Starbucks, but let's be honest, Starbucks is too mainstream. Especially since there is one on every block in town. Literally.
I've been out of school for a total of 8 days, and each one consisted of checking the Portland Tribune for job offers, getting my driver's license-- which I have to say, the photo turned out so much better than my permit-- obtaining a passport, and a social security number.
I've been sixteen for eleven days, starting on May 25, and I got my first car. My parents bought me a 2013 Chevy Malibu which is fantastic because who doesn't want a car, but if I were to choose I would have gotten a '67 Chevy Impala.

"Jess! Get ready we are going to the store to pick out dinner."
My mother's voice pierces through the house, startling me a bit. I dress in my favorite outfit, consisting of a white lace shirt paired with denim shorts that fade from purple to blue. I grab my small satchel bag and check if I have everything.
I meet my mom downstairs, she grabs her purse, and as we are about to leave, my pill- of- a- brother, Michael comes out of the living room with a smirk marking his face as he says, "Shotgun." I roll my eyes at this. In the Tatum family, we have to switch off who gets to ride in the front with mom. Whoever calls 'shotgun' gets passenger's seat first.
On the way to the market, I read. I keep a book in the car at all times so that I can soak up as much information possible. Truth be told I've been called a nerd for my habit of rereading the same book over and over again, but what can I say? The Fault in our Stars is an amazing novel!

We arrive at the Market of Choice and shop for a while. My mom has always had a certain passion for cooking and my father enjoys grilling. Together, they prepare the most amazing dishes. Tonight, the dynamic duo is creating a kebab plate.
She sends Mikey and I to gather produce needed-- yellow, red and orange bell peppers, potatoes, and onions. We work together nicely when he isn't intentionally being annoying. I search for bags and he gets the food.
We package the last onion and head back towards the meat department. A girl I recognize as someone who attends my school stands across the way with her mother. Secretly I hope she doesn't notice me because I'm not really in the chatting mood.
But with my luck, of course she does. Melissa Nelson, a short sophomore who was in my French class smiles and waves at me. She walks over to me, a warm gaze plastered on her face.
"Hey, Jess! How's your summer going so far?" She asks in a squeaky voice, looking up expectantly.
"It's been pretty good, I've spent every day since school got out looking for a job." I can't help myself from conversing because 1. I am not a naturally rude person and 2. I want to see if she has any ideas on a job.
"I heard Forever 21 has a job offering," her mind was obviously working, probably trying to remember who disclosed the information to her. "You could always work there!"
Although the sun dresses at Forever 21 are to die for, working in a young adult clothing shop is fairly cleché for a first job.
"Yeah I could, thanks!" I don't tell her I expected her to say a department store. I smile and tell her goodbye.


"Holly dear, will you tell Jess and Michael to set the table?" I hear the muffled voice of my father from my window. I get up from the desk in my room as my mom calls my brother and I. I pad down the first set of stairs to the second level, then the next set to the base level. I gather the plates and Mikey gets the silverware. We sit at the newly set table and dad comes in with a colorful plate of food. He sets the meal on the table and then sits with everyone else. Dad makes sure that everyone has their share before he gets his, then starts conversating.
"So, Jess, have you found any jobs today? He looks at me over his glass of water questioningly. I swallow and begin to speak. "No, there wasn't anything interesting being offered in the paper."
He reaches over and rubs my shoulder fondly. "You'll find something soon, I know it." I smile appreciatively up at him, my piercing blue eyes meeting his green ones.
"I personally think you should get a job at the AMC so that we can get family discounts." Michael interjected, a hopeful expression painted on his face.
"That's not likely," I reply, "because I'll have to work the graveyard shifts and I'd rather work somewhere I actually want to." He doesn't seem happy with my response, but at 13, what does make him happy? Other than playing Xbox all day with his friends, I mean.
I head up to my room, stopping by the laundry room on the second floor to see my kitten, Dusty. Opening the door slowly, I see her lying atop a pile of clothes. I walk over to the Himalayan and scoop her up into my arms and carry her to my room.
I set her gently on my bed, unplug my laptop and join her. she crawls to my head and nestles herself on my shoulder. I pet her soft, cream colored coat and scratch behind her mocha ears. Dusty purrs softly on my shoulder until she falls asleep.
I open the blue Macbook air, balancing it masterfully on my knees. I queue up spotify first, browsing the moods and eventually settling on "Evening Acoustic".
Then I open my tumblr. I've been described before as 'hipster' or a 'tumblr girl' which is in all manner of true. But I in no way intentionally try to be hipster like so many of my peers. I just truly think that people suck, vintage is better, and the 90's ideas surpass 2012 ideas. Also Starbucks is overrated. There are so many coffee houses around her that aren't majorly overpriced and have the same-- possibly even better-- quality of coffee.
One of my very dear obsessions was looking at and mimicking tumblr bedrooms. I follow a number of blogs about bedrooms and have improved my own room. Currently, my bedroom has a parisian theme, marked with a large Eiffel Tower between my two windows, a collage of pictures, quotes and sayings above my red black and white bedding, a desk in the corner and a dresser displaying pastel clothing. On the ceiling, a string of lights hangs in random designs.
I return to tumblr for a while, then fall asleep to the sound of "Not About Angels" by Birdy.


I wake to Dusty licking my face. She's weird like that. Immediately, my hand goes to the gold, caseless iPhone 5s on my bedside table. It's nine, meaning shops in old town open in an hour. I dress simply enough in a black dress, singed at the waist with a brown belt. I reach into the bottom drawer of my wardrobe and find a pair of brown pumps. I brush through my wavy hair with my fingers and apply makeup for today. There's no way I'll be seen in public without makeup. I'm not even that bad without it, it's more of a self security kind of thing.
I grab a brown satchel back from my wardrobe and matching jewelry from my vanity. Sticking my phone into the bag, I head downstairs. Mom is already up, making what is probably her second cup of coffee.
"Morning mom!" I acknowledge her with a smile on my face. She smiles back, but then the warm gaze is replaced with a questioning one. "Where are you going?"
"I thought I'd shop old town for a while and see if there is anywhere interesting for work."
I know I am allowed to go because since both my parents work full time as business analysts, my mom has Wednesdays off, so I am free to roam old town without having to drag Michael around with me.
"Alright sweetheart, what time are you going to be home?" Her voice is relenting. She really has nothing to worry about. I mean, she has let me do this before.
"It depends on what happens. I'll keep you updated." She nods her head and lets me go. I grab my keys from the counter, bid goodbye to her, and settle into the car, still able to smell the newness to it. Old town is a generally short drive from the house, and today is no exception. Most prefer to shop at the local mall, but since it is far too busy all the time, I mostly elect to shop in the smaller shops.
I park my car in an empty space in front of a boutique. Old town reminds me a bit of Fort Collins, Colorado. My parents took Mikey and I up there to ski and we decided instead of staying in a ski town, we would stay in Fort Collins and do some shopping.
The boutique is called "Mercy's", and I tend to browse new arrivals about every 2 weeks. As I enter the shop, turning a the brass knob, a large bell sounds, signaling my arrival. India, a small brunnette girl, fresh out of high school runs the shop most days, sometimes accompanied by Todd-- a handsome young man who totally has a thing for India though he won't admit it-- smiles when she sees me. It warms my heart to see the two of them, and they have come to greet me as "Jess" when I visit.
"Hey, Jess! How've you been?" Her voice is like honey, as always.
"I've been good! I finally got a car of my own and recently I've been searching around town for a job."
"That's great! Good for you!" She smiles warmly at me
before adding, "That's an adorable outfit, by the way. I've taught you so well." She dramatically pretends to wipe a tear away from her eye.
India is the reason I am so fashion forward. The first time I visited the shop, I was wearing the most god-awful-outfit ever (which was seventh grade *shudder*) and India so kindly put together a few outfits for me. She also gave me some pointers on how to do makeup, and the correct way to curl hair. Basically India is my savior.
"Is Todd around?" I ask, curiosity coloring my voice. There is a pause before she answers. "Nah, he's off today." Her tone is almost regretful, and sympathy fills in my mind as I realize they both have feelings for one another, but neither is willing to start. I smile anyways, assuring her everything will be fine with a single look.
"That's too bad, but hey, good thing I decided to pop by!" She laughs, getting up to show me the new arrivals. My eyes immediately latch onto a dress India pulls out. It's a chiffon white button down dress with a black satin bow that singes the waist and a collar adorned with pearls and rhinestones. It's gorgeous and definitely my style. India sees my face and smiles knowingly.
"This one?" I nod and smile back at her. She brings it up to the checkout counter and I pull my debit card from my purse and swipe it, confirming the purchase. India hands me the dress inside a bag and I take it gratefully.
"Thanks, India! I'll be back in a week or so to buy something else!"
"See ya, Jess!"
She waves goodbye as I exit the store.

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