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I shopped in 6 differed stores, collected 4 bags worth of stuff, and now I'm sitting in a busy diner, waiting for the waitress to return with my coffee.
Some people may think it's odd that I ordered a cappuccino at noon, but I'm very tired and need a boost. At one of the stores, they had "Paper Towns" by John Green being sold at the counter so I bought that along with a pair of really cute earrings. I bring the book out of the bag and set it out on the table. I begin reading when I remember that I picked up a newspaper before entering and intended to do my daily search.
I skim through the newspaper, searching for an acceptable job. When I don't find what I'm looking for, I fold the paper and place it inside one of the many bags resting in the seat beside me.
The waitress comes, my coffee in one hand and a note and pen in the other. She sets down the coffee gently then asks in a nasally tone, "Would you like something to eat?"
"Caesar Salad, please." She nods and leaves, her heels clicking on the polished tile.
I take a sip of my coffee then pull the book up so I can begin reading again. John Green, you never fail to amaze me, I think as I read; I'm intrigued by the very first paragraph.
I don't get far before a very attractive guy comes up to
the table. I place the book down on the table in front of me then turn my attention to him. I raise my eyebrows in awe, which hopefully looks questioning. He blushes a moment before speaking. "Sorry, I just really like that book..." I glance down at Paper Towns, then smile up at him, gesturing for him to sit. He does, outstretching his and to me.
"I'm Nick." He says, his warm hand shaking mine firmly. I smile at him and reply, "Jess." He returns the smile and pulls his arm away, noticing the waitress with my salad. I pull away too, thanking the woman.
"I didn't know attractive guys read," I say before really thinking. He laughs, showing off the most adorable dimples ever. "I didn't know beautiful girls read," He replies ones he regains his composure. Now it's my turn to laugh off my embarrassment. I blush and look into his magnificent hazel eyes. They compliment his tousled mocha hair so well it's unbelievable. My eyes linger on his defined cheekbones and his strong jaw. I feel as if I'm melting, but then he pulls me back to reality.
"I can't help but wonder what other books you enjoy." His expression is colored with sincere curiosity. I have to think a moment. I've never really been asked that by a guy before. Not one that took my breath away, at least.
"Well.. I uh... like The Fault in our Stars... and The Harry Potter series, and The Shadowhunter Chronicles..." I list off a few more that I like and his expression is a mixture of awe and amusement.
"You don't appear to be the nerdy type."He says after a moment. I smile and reply, "Neither do you." Nick laughs again, a sound so beautiful that makes angels cry in Heaven. 

"So, tell me about your books,"

He thinks for a moment, and it gives me a chance to fully accept the fact that this guy, who is the most attractive guy I've ever seen my entire life, with tawny eyes and a classic style that so many guys decide to ignore.

"So I like Paper Towns, obviously, and of course the Harry Potter series, the Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, and a few others."

"Oh, God! He really is a nerd!" I tease, a look of mock horror on my face. He puts his hands up in surrender, smiling the entire time. He looks like he's about to respond, but then the waitress comes with the check, a displeased gaze displayed on her face. Oops, I didn't eat my salad, I think. I dig into my bag, looking for my debit card. I take it out and resurface, only to find Nick getting out his own card and handing it to the woman. "I've got it." He says. I look at him in disbelief.

"But I didn't even eat my salad..."

"Twelve dollars is nothing, Jess. It's okay."

I sigh but let him buy my lunch. He is a really sweet guy. Like how does that even happen. I watch him as he takes a pen out of his pocket and begins writing on an unused napkin. I try to read it, but I'm lousy at reading upside down, so I sit there, trying to hard to comprehend what he's doing.

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