↳ ❝ [ Tangled in love, stuck by you.. from the glue. ❞

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PREDISASTER SUBKIT!! when they worked together.. because.. fart..

they argue gayly like gay old gay men being gay and then hold hands and frolick in the fields! (gayly ofcourse)

CW: yaoi

(none?? i dont think..)

. . . . . ╰──╮

The star-freckled sky cast dim light, a syzygy of white-flicked constellations hung overhead. Snow battered the raging sheets of crisp white, icy whipping the flurry of snow into messy and whispy peaks. Even though the stars were diminishing into cloaks of clouding smog; it was nice to appreciate what still remained, even if it were little. The ground was slick with scraggly ice underneath the slush of powdered frost, lining each nook of the pavement in its mirage of rime. 

Two shovels plunged into the sparse quilt of snow, heaving white flecks into a disheveled pile of scruffy, brittle white to no avail. The rigid snow just kept piling and piling into uneven lumps.


''Ufgh!! Why did the executives HAVE to put us on this job?!'' The pink-horned demon whined in a slightly fussy tone,  stuffing the sturdy blue shovel to scrape against the snow-littered pavement, only to slink it back out with a frustrated whinge. ''My fingers are sooo cooolld...''

''Thats because you decided to ignore my advice of wearing mittens.'' Medkit griped raspily, tone laced with its own subtle twinge of dissatisfaction behind its pursed thin lips. The latter only responded with a murmured lament, stifled by the swirling winds echo. 

Subspace groused in frustration, flicking the iced handle to the snowshovel out of his purple-fingered grasp, letting it plummet into the thick sheets of crisp slush. 

Why did the executives HAVE to put the two most incompatible workers in the officeplace on snowscraping duty? To make them bond better? Not going to happen. 

''Im so cold!! I wanna go sleep.. a great scientist like me isn't supposed to be out here with someone as lowly as YO-!!'' His egotistical, rambling mantra was stuffed back into his mouth by Medkits mittened hand smothering his lips clenched. 

''You're acting like I want to be here too.'' Medkit huffed sternly between clenched teeth, eyes narrowing a scornful glare into Subspaces widened pupils. The doctor clamped the scientists muffling prattles, veiling his tempered meanders against the latters clawed prying. Eventually, Medkit let his hand dislodge from Subspaces scowled expression, earning an ever-so-slight tittered curve of his lips.

''WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!'' Subspace cried out, aura radiated with petty, stingy anger. The two couldnt stay mad at eachother for too long. Even if they tried. The air thickened into tangible tranquil silence.

Subspace dug his nails into his tender palms, digging his blue-ish skin over and over against the linen padding of his black coat relentlessly. Why was Blackrock so COLD? Well. Cause its Blackrock. Obviously.




- ,,''Can we hold hands.''

Subspace bluntly and curtly chipped in, chowing through the tense lull. His words escaped his quivering lips sounding more like a statement than an actual question. The scientist tugged back at his shaggy hair, tousled into disheveled whisps by the biting cold gales, leer keeping stringent and fixated on Medkit.

Medkit blinked tersely. 

Once. Twice. Thrice. 


 His brows perked up from their former pissy furrow, cold-flushed lips stumbling for words. The teal-antlered demon floundered over prose, head tilting in a bemused and confused manner. The doctor slumped the shovel into the stiff peaks of snow, dipping it underneath the pristine snows staunch surface.

''.. Excuse me?'' 

Subspaces eyes suddenly blossomed open, quickly shaking his jittering head wildly from side to side, stammering for an explanation. This sounded weird, real weird. Especially to Medkit. Everyone and their parents knew they weren't on the.. best side of acquaintanceship in the laboratory!!

''Im cold Meddy?! Don't take this as a- me hitting on you type thing!!'' He snarled out in defence, freeze-struck hands wavering in the air warily, a nervous chortle pushing past his lips. If he was being honest, he wouldn't mind holding Medkit's hand out of occasio-


Subspace self-reprimanded his own thoughts, eliciting a palm to his own forehead with an exasperated grumble. Why were his thoughts so GAY?! Oh my sfoth.. was he REALLY thinking so?! ROMANTICALLY about MEDKIT of all people?! He'd never feel this way back!! Get your mind out of the gutter!! Illumina, Subspace, get yourself toget-

His facade of trailing, jumbling thought was interrupted by Medkits slender fingers snaking into his. Subspaces eyes ballooned wider, evincing a flustered and startled giggle from himself. His eyes trailed up downwards at Medkit, scanning his face for any sort of.. CUE?! on what the hell he just did?! Turns out Medkit was not any less embarrassed than him. Medkits head craned away from the scientist, faced prickled with small dots of frazzled dim-pink. 

Subspace gingerly wrapped his freezing fingers around Medkits, relishing in the radiating warmth from the latters skin. Gods. Why did this feel so right? Almost like their hands were made to hold. Ew. What a corny thought. - Subspace stumped his roaming wonders once more, hiccing for something to clear up the thickening tautness in the atmosphere.

Their fingers intertwined with one-another snugly, each of their breaths hitching in an indistinguishable mix of awkwardness and comfort at the same time; like coke and pepsi. You don't know the difference. The ambiance deepened cozily each second, punctuated by gentle squeezes to the others hand. They were both hopeless lovers. And very clearly pining. Surprising noone had caught on yet.

''This is nice.'' 

Subspace exhaled calmly, indulging the soothing circles Medkit persistantly rubbed into his frostgnawed palm. 

''I agree.''

Medkit curtly hummed back, bated breath steadfastly hilting to a tranquil rise-and-fall. The two blankly squizzed the foggy horizon, only distinguishable feature among the hazy moisture being jagged alpine mountains acutely snow-capped with purely pristine white crests. The whistling wind crooned a rigid warble, occasionally stuttering the twos pressed up hips offbalance. Maybe they werent such a bad duo afterall. Maybe they could bond.

╭──╯ . . . . .


word count: 1019

erm sorry for it being like.. very short its like rlly late and i dont have motivation rn... anyway requests r still open!! 

title from glue song by beabadoobee :3


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