(5)Stupid Money

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"Ugh, that's it. You're done." Stone said to Y/N and took a sip from the bottle.
Everyone looked at Y/N in amazement, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. Did she do something wrong? But she didn't even need this money, she needed company and most importantly, she wanted real friends. Kind, understanding and loving friends, but not those rich and snobbish people.
"You must have cheated!" Vinnie exclaimed irritably.
Skipp looked at Vinnie and then at Stone. "Do you think she's really cheating?" Skipp asked.
Stone shrugged. "Who knows, but I hope this will teach Vinnie to finish the game in time so as not to lose our fuckin' money." Stone said and emptied the bottle.
Y/N started to get nervous. "I-... I didn't want to win, I just wanted to have fu-" Y/N started but was interrupted by Vinnie.
"She's also making excuses! Let's get out of here, guys." Vinnie said and stood up from her seat, Skipp followed her.
Stone sighed, put the bottle on the table and stood up.
When Stone had already left the bar, Y/N stood up from her seat, grabbed the money she won and ran out of the bar, following Stone. "Hey! Please wait!" Y/N shouted after.
Stone stopped and looked around. "What do you want?" Stone asked irritably.
Y/N folded the money neatly. "I- I don't need this money..." Y/N said. "I didn't want to win them." Y/N added guiltily.
Stone was surprised for the second time that night. "What do you mean? Didn't you play to win money?" Stone asked.
Y/N looked down at her feet. "I played for fun, I wanted to make friends and just have fun." Y/N admitted. She looked at Stone. "Give the money...uh, to that rude girl." Y/N said handing the money to Stone.
Stone took the money. "Alright, but I'll take some of it." Stone said and walked down the road into a dark alleyway. "Give up the money you won? What kind of idiot do you have to be to do that?" Stone said quietly to himself, putting the money into his pockets.
Y/N looked after Stone. "I hope to see you again..?" Y/N whispered to herself and walked back to the bar. "He smells like cigarettes... just like my father..." Y/N thought.

In the alleyway of three hobos.

Stone came to their alleyway, where a fire was already burning in an iron barrel. Vinnie was still angry and upset about the money which she lost, and Skipp tried to calm her down.
"This fuckin' girl definitely cheated. You guys agree with me, right?" Vinnie said.
Stone took out a cigarette from their pack and lit it. "What difference does it make, you lost." Stone said and took a drag of his cigarettes.
"Don't rub salt in the wound!" Vinnie said. "Let's find this fuckin' girl and steal her... I mean OUR money!" Vinnie exclaimed.
Stone sighed. "Speaking of that girl..." Stone mumbled with a cigarette in his mouth and pulled out neatly folded by Y/N money from his pocket. "She asked me to give this money to, I quote, 'Rude girl'." Stone said and gave Vinnie the money.
Vinnie grabbed the money as soon as she saw it. "Oh, my babies! I will never lose you to that fuckin' fool again." Vinnie said tenderly, but then she stopped. "Wait... She asked you to give this money to me? Seriously? She refused this money?!" Vinnie exclaimed questioningly.
"Yeah, she said she didn't need them or something... I don't really care." Stone said, taking a drag from his cigarette and then exhaling a puff of smoke.
Skipp smiled. "She's so kind. But doesn't she need money for food?" Skipp said.
Everyone fell silent. Stone and Vinnie looked at Skipp. "What do you mean?" Vinnie asked Skipp.
"That girl was dressed poorly, as if she was also an hobo like us!" Skipp explained.


Y/N was wandering in the dark. Y/N had to leave the bar because a fight of drunk people started there, it was a common thing in bars, but Y/N decided not to be a spectator of this fight. Y/N wandered along the street for a long time, but could not find her way home. "No... I can't get lost..." Y/N whispered. It became noticeably colder outside than in the evening. "I should have taken some kind of jacket..." Y/N said quietly, walking in a direction unknown to her.
Y/N wandered along the street for a long time, looking for a way home, but to no avail, she was lost. She should have listened to her mother and this would not have happened. Such thoughts tormented Y/N until she found an abandoned mattress next to the trash can. There is nothing to do, she will have to sleep on it. Y/N lay down on this mattress, but it was still cold, so she decided to look for something to replace the blanket.
Y/N searched all the nooks and crannies near this place, but all that was left was a trash can. "Ugh, I hope there aren't any dead rats or cockroaches in it... Otherwise I'll puke." Y/N whispered, shivering from the cold. Y/N opened the trash can with her eyes closed, but then opened them to see if there was anything useful there. There was an apple core and various odds and ends in the trash, but that was just the surface. Y/N sighed and reached inside the trash can with her hands. She felt disgusted, she even felt like she was going to vomit. Soon she felt something resembling a blanket and took it out. It was some kind of dirty but thick sheet. Y/N lay down on the mattress and covered herself with that dirty sheet.
Y/N looked up at the night sky. Stars were visible in the dark sky. The last time Y/N lay in the open starry sky was when her father was still alive. He took her on hikes for several days. This won't happen now. She will no longer see her father's wide and kind smile, try his delicious food and hug him...
"I miss you, dad." Y/N whispered and fell asleep with tears in her eyes.

In the morning.

Y/N was still sleeping on that mattress and under that sheet. But suddenly she heard someone's steps, and then someone's voices.
"Is she even alive?" Someone's emotionless voice with a slight Irish accent said.
"What if she died of cold?" Some boyish young voice said.
"Don't worry, we'll check it right now. I'll poke her with a stick." Some female, impudent voice said.
Y/N opened her eyes and saw the following picture: Vinnie was holding a stick and was about to poke it at Y/N, Stone was standing nearby and smoking a cigarette, Skipp was looking at Y/N.
"Yay, she's not dead!" Skipp exclaimed breaking the silence.

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