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Inside of a secret lab, a door can be seen opening as Grit Thomspon enters the lab. You can see his eyes are bloodshot, he's sweating, and he's stumbling a bit, but it's not really noticeable. He looks exhausted from his last encounter with one of the villains, but he keeps pressing on anyway. As Grit walks in, he notices an antidote recipe being worked on... He walks slowly over to it, studying it carefully. He seems to be looking for any sort of flaw or mistake with it. Grit takes a moment to sit down, leaning his head back as he closes his eyes, seemingly trying to calm himself down. Grit glanced around to see if his other league members were anywhere nearby before he gave in and drank the antidote. He swallows it down quickly, taking a deep breath. "This better work..." Grit mutters to himself as he waits for the antidote to take effect. A few minutes pass and nothing seems to be happening. "C'mon... Come on..." Grit mutters as he starts to get impatient and anxious. Just as he is about to give up hope, Grit starts to feel strange. He feels dizzy, like he's about to faint, and he starts to sweat even more than he already was. Something is definitely not right here. Grit starts to feel even more sick, his vision beginning to blur and darkening around the edges. "What's happening to...cough... m- cough..." A wave of intense nausea passes over Grit as he doubles over. Grit grunted and whined out a bit struggling to walk to the door forcing it open as he wandered through the hallway of the Hero league base in the direction of Kristol Pale speaking with Joey Nickle about Tony brambles latest issues and behavior pausing a moment to look at Grit confused. Grit stared down Kristol a bit intensely trying to focus his vision. Kristol looked back at Grit for a moment with a confused look on his face as he saw him staring at him intensely. "Grit...? Is something wrong?" Joey piped up, also looking over at Grit with a slightly worried expression. Grit took a deep breath, trying to get his vision to focus. "Uhh... n-no. I'm fine... I..."Grit trailed off, finding it difficult to speak or even stand properly as he started to lean against the wall nearby. He heaved and panted sweating heavily even ripping his face mask off. Grit tried to catch his breath, but the nausea slowly began to build up again as the room started to spin around him. Kristol and Joey looked at him with immediate concern. "Grit...? You don't look so good..." Joey said as he approached Grit. "Did you eat something bad-" Kristol asked gently touching Grit's shoulder. Grit quickly shook his head, trying to dismiss him. "No. I'm f-fine... Just..." He took in a deep breath, still seeming quite dizzy and off balance as he leaned forward again. As Kristol and Joey kept trying to talk with him, Grit pushed them off. "D-don't worry about it... I said I'm okay.." Grit muttered as he started to walk away from them, slowly shuffling towards the nearest bathroom. Grit reached the bathroom and pushed the door open slightly, going inside as Kristol and Joey stood there looking at each other. "That... didn't look so good.." Joey whispered. "He was sweating alot- should we tell Stinger?" Kristol whispered back. "I-I don't know... I'm sure he's fine right...? We should probably wait and see..." Joey whispered, looking over to the stairs that led to the upper offices where Captain Stinger was most likely at the moment. "Maybe your right-" Kristol nodded as the two of them stared at the bathroom doors from down the hallway. Just a few minutes passed with Joey and Kristol still in the hallway just staring at the bathroom as the door slowly creaked open with Grit poking his head out. Grit looked even worse, his face was pale as a ghost and he looked to be in much more excruciating pain than before. He was sweating profusely, and his skin had become even more clammy. His breathing was rapid and shallow as he had a hard time keeping his balance as he stumbled out of the bathroom slowly. "Grit..." Kristol mumbled walking to him. "I'm-I-I'm fi-..." He trailed off, panting and sweating as he stumbled a bit before managing to stand properly. Grit tried to take in deep breaths to calm himself down, but he was having a hard time doing so. He looked at Kristol with shaky eyes as he tried to put on a brave face despite how visibly unwell he looked. "S-see? I'm f-(wheezing)... fine." "Grit i'm worried about you-" Kristol said worried watching Grit stagger closer to him. Grit tried to shake his head, but he was visibly weak. He could barely keep himself standing up as he stumbled into Kristol and leaned against him a bit. "I s-said I'm fine..." He muttered, trying to stay upright. Grit's chest rose and fell rapidly from taking in rapid breaths and his face was still as pale and clammy as before. His vision also still seemed off, as if the room was spinning around him. Kristol then backed up a bit confused. "You sure-" "Y-yeah... s-see...? I'm fine... I..." He staggered again as his legs began to buckle a bit, having a hard time supporting his body weight as he stumbled closer to Kristol again. He clung onto Kristol for support as his vision darkened and his breathing grew more and more rapid and shallow. He started to feel even more intense nausea as his stomach churned around, making it even harder for him to breathe. "H-hey- uhm-" Joey mumbled panicked before running down the hallway to get Stinger. Kristol tried to get his grip off freaked out a bit. "WH-whoa-" Grit continued to try his hardest to stand and keep his balance, but he was quickly becoming more and more unstable. His breathing grew more and more rapid, and it was obvious that he was starting to panic a bit as well. He gripped onto Kristol, looking up at him with frantic and anxious eyes. "I feel-I feel.. weird... I don't...." Grit's voice started to sound muffled as his vision began to blur once more. He started to collapse onto the floor. While he was collapsing, Kristol tried to catch him, doing his best to support his weight as he did so. Grit was breathing quickly and shallowly, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. His stomach still churned and felt like it was going to explode, making his breathing more difficult. He was shaking now from the intense nausea and fear. Kristol tried to support him as he held him off of the floor, looking around for any help. Joey soon came running back with Captain Stinger, who was looking extremely concerned. As he approached the two of them, his eyes widened as he saw how unwell Grit was looking. He immediately rushed over and tried to support Grit, helping to hold him steady as Grit continued to struggle to breathe. "Is he okay?" Joey asked Stinger watching at Kristol holding Grit up as Grits eye's were turning pale and bloodshot. Stinger's eyes were also filled with worry as he examined Grit and took into account how unwell he was looking. He looked at Kristol before looking back to Grit, who was looking even more unwell as Kristol held him. "I don't think so..." Stinger said with concern as he took Grit's wrist in his hands to check his pulse. Kristol watched at Stinger then got eye wide when Grit lashed out like he was trying to bite Kristol. "WHAT THE FUCK- GRIT STOP-" Joey shouted trying to help Kristol. Stinger jumped as Grit suddenly lashed out and tried to bite Kristol, also being taken by surprise by the sudden movement. Kristol also jumped, flinching away just as he was going to be bitten by Grit. Joey rushed over to help Kristol and tried to get Grit off of him. Joey freaked out grabbing at Grit causing him to get Bitten into on his shoulder. Grit did in fact manage to bite down on Joey's shoulder after he grabbed onto him, causing Joey to cry out in pain and let out a shocked and startled yell. Grit started to snarl and grunt as he continued to bite down with more and more force, trying to attack Joey. Kristol tried to desperately get Grit off as he watched blood get into Grit's mouth. "STOP- PLEASE-" Joey screamed out punching at Grit who was almost animalistic. Grit refused to let go of his bite as his head started to shake back and forth, he then tried to lunge forward to get at Joey more. Grit started to growl and snarl, his mouth was full of Joey's flesh, it seemed to almost be a rage induced attack as he continued to try and attack Joey. He tried to lunge again as he snarled and screamed. Kristol let go backing away freaked out when Grit paused with Joey wheezing and crying on the floor seeing grit look at him. "RUN-" Stinger shouted running from the area to alert Hercules and Tony hoping Kristol will run. Joey was struggling to breathe and to try and stay conscious from the pain and shock. Kristol looked down at Joey with a horrified look on his face. His eyes were wide as he glanced back at Gritt who was standing there, staring at him with a blank and emotionless expression in his eyes. He did not budge from his spot and looked to wait for him to flee. Stinger ran off to alert Hercules and Tony as Kristol finally realized what was going on, causing him to turn around and run away as well. Kristol ran down the hallways as he heard Grit starting to run after him from behind. Grit's footsteps sounded heavy and loud as he was heaving and breathing heavily, grunting and growling. The sound of his heavy footsteps and heavy breathing echoed through the hallway, followed by quick bursts of growling and snarling at the same time. Kristol ran quickly as he could, doing his best not to look back at Grit who followed closely behind him. Kristol slammed himself up against the bulletproof glass doors to the Hero conference room with it locked as Stinger was telling Hercules and Tony the details. "He isn't acting normal-" Stinger paused looking to the glass door at Kristol banging his fists on it begging them to open it when he saw Grit stalking up from behind it. "Brother..." Stinger went to reach for the lock when Tony grabbed his arm shaking his head no. "That would be a risk if what you said he did to joey is true-" Tony commented. Kristol panicked as he saw Grit approaching from behind and banged his fists even harder on the door, desperately begging them to unlock it as Grit got closer and closer to him. Grit had slowed down a bit as he was walking towards Kristol, but he was still approaching. Kristol continued to bang his fists on the door, looking panicked. Stinger mouthed "I'm sorry" Before he turned his head to not watch as Tony watched stone cold as Grit attacked and brutally was attacking Kristol. "The fuck..." Tony mumbled crouching down watching through the glass studying Grits actions. "The fuck made him act like this-" Tony mumbled. Kristol screamed in pain as Grit pounced onto him, sinking his teeth deep into his flesh. He tried to fight back and punch Grit away, but Grit was too strong. He dug his nails into Kristol's flesh and started to shred and rip into it. Kristol screamed louder, crying. Tony looked to Stinger. "What do we do now... Is it contagious?" Tony questioned before flinching hard at Joey banging up against the glass snarling and acting the same way Grit was. Tony walked over staring at Joey's wounds. "He should have bled out...How the fuck is he moving" "I d-don't know..." Stinger said with concern, watching as Joey continued to snarl and snarl as he banged against the glass. He looked at his wounds as well, which was almost like they were healing. "It's like..."Stinger began, not being sure how to describe what it was. "How the hell is he surviving...w-we need to figure out what's going on." Tony muttered, looking at Joey's wounds. Joey was still banging again the glass, starting to get a bit more violent as he snarled, bit at the glass and tried to claw at it with his nails. He was still snarling, and his wounds were even more visible and looked like they were still actively bleeding. "He is dead....and yet look at him..."Stinger said, still watching Joey. Joey continued to keep banging against the glass, his snarls starting to grow louder and sounding even more animalistic and ferocious than before. He tried to scratch and claw at the glass with even more effort now. His blood was splattered all over the glass as he continued to bang up against it and try to scratch at it. "It's like he's almost becoming rabid..."Tony said as he continued to watch the situation unfold. Hercules flinched disgusted watching Kristol slamming against the glass aswell as Grit just as feral looking as Joey. Kristol screamed and cried out in pain as Grit was practically tearing into him with his teeth. Grit was ripping and tearing away at him, and Kristol had no way of defending himself from the attack. Grit was tearing into his flesh like a rabid wolf, digging into his muscles and trying to tear out chunks of his flesh. Kristol kept banging against the glass as well just as Grit was, seeming almost just as rabid. Grit kept tearing into Kristol, who was just trying his best to get away from Grit. Stinger continued to watch the horrid scene unfold in the other room, watching Grit tear into Kristol with little hesitance. The screams of pain and horror coming from inside the room and the banging on the glass was becoming much too much for Stinger to handle. He covered his ears from the screams of pain and his eyes began to tear up as he continued to watch what was a traumatic sight for him. Tony watched as Kristol was being torn apart by Grit who was showing absolutely no mercy at all and kept tearing into Kristol, even further than when he had tore into Joey. The bangs against the glass began to get more intense and frantic from both Joey and Kristol, both of them trying to bust their way out of their confinement. Grit was starting to snarl even more as he was doing more damage to Kristol, his eyes seeming more crazed.

Hercules grew concerned the moment he watched Joey grunt turning his head sprinting off down the halls of the base. "Is the place on lockdown... Or can he get outside...." Tony mumbled freaked out looking at Stinger. Stinger glanced over at Tony, seeming just as concerned as him. "The lockdown should have-have been initiated already... but I'm not sure if it was properly activated..."Stinger said as he looked down the hallway that Joey had run down, hoping he hadn't gotten out of the base. "What happens if they get outside-" Tony snapped in Stingers face grabbing him by his jacket. "John... What the fuck happens- How did this happen- What did you fucking do-" Tony cursed and snapped wanting answers. Stinger flinched back from Tony's harsh words, looking like he was about to be attacked next. He stumbled back slightly, and looked like he was about to cry. "I-I have no clue how this happened!!"Stinger shouted in response, seemingly scared of what would happen if Joey or Kristol got out of the base. Hercules then alerted them both a moment. down the hall was the anti hero cackle coming to report in when Grit paused turning to look at him. Cackle just tilted his head to the side confused. "NO- CACKLE TURN AWAY- LAN TURN AWAY- LEAVE-" Tony started screaming through the glass hitting at it making Hercules grab his arms trying to get him to stop. They knew Cackle was a mutant... More beast than man... Wouldn't know any better than to trust someone he thought was his friend. They watched Cackle itch at his hair a moment staring at Grit confused at why he looked the way he did. Hercules and Stinger began to panic as they saw Cackle heading down towards Grit, who kept standing there, staring at Cackle and not even attacking. Cackle started to approach Grit who seemed like a predator awaiting his prey as Cackle came closer. Cackle looked so confused as he got closer to Grit, which worried Hercules and Stinger as they stood there staring at the both of them. Cackle started talking. "Gr-grit?" He began to stutter, and his tone was sounding a bit nervous. "grit..." Cackle repeated not knowing any better as he was approaching Grit. Even Stinger knew it as they were shouting for Cackle to turn away or to flee. He was more beast than man...and he never loved or trusted anyone more than Grit. It was heartbreaking. Cackle continued to approach Grit who seemed more and more like a predator in this moment. Grit's expression didn't change at all as he just watched Cackle get closer. Cackle kept repeating Grit's name, starting to reach forward. 'Gr-grit? Gr-grit?'Cackle kept on saying, seeming to have no idea what was happening and what this was as he kept reaching his hands forward. Grit didn't move or say a word, just simply waited as his eyes remained staring at Cackle. Hercules punched at the glass shouting for Cackle to run or to turn away watching Cackle gently try and grab Grits hand. The three boys then watched in horror as Grit violently attacked Cackle viciously. "We can't fucking stay here-" Tony cursed starting to break into the ventilation shaft. Hercules watched in terror as Grit brutally attacked Cackle, ripping and tearing into him and starting to shred and rip pieces of him apart. Cackle's blood was spewing out all over the places, as Grit tore through his flesh. The screams of pain and horror coming from behind where Grit was at were too much for Hercules to handle as he also began to head to the ventilation shaft in a rush to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2024 ⏰

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