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Ms Mead shooed away the couple guards that stood in the decontamination room with her and Ms Venable, they left swiftly shutting the door behind them.

"That Gallant boy wont last as long as we had hoped, plus, they already know our tricks after we used Stu. We should keep his meat to ourselves." Ms Mead spoke with a slight rasp in her voice.

"We didn't kill him to eat him." Wilhemina said bluntly, her head facing her hand which held the ball of her cane.

"Then why?" A silence filled the room as Ms Venable turned her head.

"To put the rest of the purples in their place. If we are to survive on what we have, we need smaller numbers, with that old hag on her last limb, we just need to make one more... sacrifice, and our supplies will last us twice as long."

"So, what do we do with the boy?"

"Feed him to the greys, the guards, yourself if you're feeling like it." Ms Venable sighed as she spoke, looking away again. Ms Mead stared in silence for a moment before smiling menacingly.

"Im glad I am loyal to you. Ill get the geiger measure ready for the next sacrifice. We should kill that pretty blonde one, shes too quiet-"

"No." Ms Venable interrupted swiftly, her voice becoming low. Ms Mead was taken aback by the tone, frowning. "Go for anyone else, as long as its not the old bat." Venable turned and left the room, her cane echoing through the halls.

Back in the main hall, Cordelia was pacing by some shelves, grazing her finger over the spines of dull books as she walked. The room was silent, an eerie silence with Mr Gallant gone. Coco was sat on the sofa, still wide-eyed and rendered completely silent. By the time it was night, not a word had been spoken. Dinah broke the silence as she headed off to bed.

"Well, one less mouth to feed." She walked out of sight and narrowly avoided Coco's death stare, a long with her sons angry scoff. Cordelia was enraged by her arrogance but stifled her rage with a sharp inhale. Everyone headed to bed, but as the group parted ways, Delia was stricken with curiosity. she kept further down the hallway than her room, going round a corner. She looked both ways as she picked up her pace, walking toward the stairwell to the male floor. She wanted to investigate Mr Gallant's room before it was cleared. As she neared the final corner, Ms Venable appeared down the hall, lit by a dim sconce. She had already seen Delia, there was no point in running back.

"Headed through the male quarters are we Miss Goode? Not to disappoint but... I don't think you're Andres type..." Venable stopped walking, tilting her head cockily as she spoke. Delia rolled her eyes, exhaling.

"Thats not why Im here."

"And I'm not interested in the reason, go back." Venable spat out, her voice becoming angrier. She took a couple steps toward Delia.

"What are you going to do with his room?"

"Mr Gallant? Nothing." Ms Venable was a bit confused by the question, frowning. "Why?"

"Ive always preferred the top floor."

"You're suggesting what exactly?"

"I want his room." Delia was met with silence, Ms Venable frowned before suddenly lifting her cane and harshly jabbing Delia in the sternum with it, Delia gasped quietly, Wilhemina kept it there as she spoke.

"You're not slick. Miss Goode." Venable narrowed her eyes. "You're nosy." Her voice turned sour as she pushed Delia with her cane.

"And you're a murderer."

"My hands are clean." Venable said through a harsh veil of anger, her voice deep and raspy. She pushed Delia up against the wall now, her wooden cane still on her chest. Delia looked down at the cane, which was only now starting to actually hurt. She looked back up at Venable, making eye-contact, infiltrating her mind and making her put the cane back to the floor. Ms Venable looked down in confusion, she felt as if something had come over her, she looked back up at Delia with a frown, wondering what the hell just happened, but Cordelia calmly turned to walk back to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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