Chapter 4: Graves

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This will be the turning point for the story as it leaves the canon storyline. I may re-edit or make a new story when a new video from Kaaatie comes out!


You solemnly strolled through the school garden, thinking of Claire. School ended early because of the incident with Claire. Though classes ended and the other students had left, you decided to stay in the garden to clear your mind. Most of them, anyways.


A female voice asked. You craned your head to the sound. Oh. Mister Rose's daughter, Alstroemeria.

"Hey, Meri." You greeted, sadly smiling. She nodded in recognition that you didn't really want to talk much at the moment and continued to tend to the Alstroemerias and Chrysanthemums.

(I'm not calling her 'Al' because that's already another character's name [Alast- *explodes*]. And yes, she's named after a flower like Mister Rose.)

In contrast to Mister Rose's bright attitude and polite demeanor, Alstroemeria was a quiet girl. Oh, no, no! She's polite! It's just...she has some trouble showing it due to her being quiet. This doesn't mean that she is antisocial, though.

"Y/N? What you doing here? School ended more than an hour ago." Mister Rose walked into view with Miss Hexi peeking out from behind him. He and Miss Hexi looked rather concerned. (NO THEY ARE NOT DATING-)

"Sorry, Mister Rose and Miss Hexi. I was just taking trying to take my mind off of today." You answered in a nonchalant way, trying to not worry them. Unfortunately, they had seen through your mask and were now currently sitting beside you on either side, comforting you. It honestly was a bit too much for you at the moment. As you sat uncomfortably in the middle of the two, Alstroemeria watched curiously from her peripheral vision whilst continuing to tend to the garden.


Miss Bloomie called. She had offered to stay with you to walk you home, since she was your legal mother (not really biological).

"Miss Bloomie? I'm still here y'know."

You answered. Miss Bloomie gave a sigh of relief, as she spotted Miss Hexi and Mister Rose with you.

"Greetings, Miss Bloomie." She froze as a voice spoke.

"Ah...Alstroemeria! I forgot that Mister Rose brings you here at the end of the day!" Alstroemeria smiled in the returned greeting from Miss Bloomie. You smiled awkwardly, letting your mom (😨 WAIT THE JOKE-) know that you were uncomfortable.

"Hmmm...why don't we visit Mister Rose's little graveyard, Y/N? I'm pretty sure Claire was just buried there." Miss Bloomie offered. Your eyes shone as you hurriedly agreed, eager to get away from the uncomfortable situation.

~Smol Timeskip Brought to You By Oreos <3~

The walk was deathly quiet, except for the occasional chirping of birds. (I forgot to mention that Mister Rose's school garden is outside-)

'...I wonder how Engel is doing right now...he was pretty messed up after today...' You wondered. Miss Bloomie looked down at your empty eyes and sighed. "Look, Y/N. I'm sorry for-"

You cut her off. "No, no. I get it. 'I hAvE tO dO iT' and blah, blah, blah. There isn't an excuse for killing students, 'MoThEr'." You snapped. Miss Bloomie stepped back in surprise. "Why didn't you just-" "I DID! YOU WOULDN'T LISTEN! AND IT'S THE SAME FOR ZIP, OLIVER EDWARD! YOU ALL FAVOUR THEM OVER STUDENTS WHO ACTUALLY DO THEIR WORK RIGHT! ZIP AND OLIVER WERE THE CAUSE OF CLAIRE'S DEATH!" You let all your emotions loose. Miss Bloomie's eyes widened at your outburst. "I-I'm sorry I didn't-" You covered your mouth, eyes wide with tears and ran away.

(Dude idk how to write about boys this legit just sounds like a girl having a mood swing 💀)

"Bloomie, you okay- OH NO." Miss Hexi slowly backed away from the scene before her, not wanting to get involved, but was unfortunately caught by Miss Bloomie anyways. But not for the reason she thought it was.

Miss Bloomie. CRYING. Miss Bloomie CRIED.

"*sniff* HEXIIIIIII..." She wailed, looking up at the taller woman. Miss Hexi just looked down at the smaller woman confused.

(If you don't know, Miss Bloomie is more of a quiet person so this isn't really that accurate to her character.)

"If you're THAT upset over what Y/N said, I suggest you sort it out with him, Blooms." The taller woman sighed. Miss Bloomie sniffled.

(Man- I just love making characters suffer don't I-)

"Well...I can't exactly apologize to him now...he ran away to- to somewhere." Miss Hexi deadpanned. "Of course he did, Blooms. Now go find him." The taller woman ushered the smaller one out of the garden graveyard, cursing under her breath.

(She said "Man why can't ya'll just get the f*** along!" [No lmao this is a joke she didn't say that- it would've been Mister Cubit to say that though-])


Short chapter, I know! Got pretty lazy and ran out of ideas!

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