11. The Truth

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Hughs POV

It's been nearly a week since I walked into Andi and Danni sitting soaked in the bathroom. If either of them had caught a cold I would've never let Danni live it down.

Danni keeps insisting we tell Andi about our relationship but I'm nervous about it. The chance of him not wanting to stay with us anymore is very probable and he's become such a big part of our lives at this point the house would probably never feel full again.

I've been trying to connect with Andi through cooking, TV, and various other hobbies and it seems to be working well. We found a TV show his ex-boyfriend banned him from watching and are working our way through the three seasons he's missed. He also seems very interested in baking so I made sure to order some fun cookie cutters for next week when I go back to work.

Something happened between Danni and him in the bathroom that neither will tell me about. They share embarrassed glances when they think the other isn't looking and it's driving me crazy.

Andi and I are currently sitting on the couch only a couple of episodes away from getting to the most current season of our show.

"No! Why would she say that? Doesn't she know he loves her?" Andi shouts, leaning forward on the couch, nearly falling over. The elephant Danni gave him was firmly grasped in his lap, as it has been for nearly every waking moment since Danni forced it into his hands a couple days ago during supper in an attempt to bring him back from a panic attack.

I smile, knowing how safe he has to feel to let himself do this. "We've been over this. She's self-destructive and thinks he's better off without her." Andi shoots me a horrified look so I make sure to tack on that it doesn't make it right.

Just as the end credits roll and Andi goes to hit the 'Play Next Episode?' button when Danni plants himself directly in our line of sight.

"Listen Danni, I will never regret marrying you but if you don't move-"

He cuts me off by unplugging the TV. The entire screen goes black causing Andi and I to groan.

"There will be no more pushing this conversation off! We shall speak, and we shall speak now!" I smile, knowing this whole act was just to make Andi less nervous. But while I love my husband for his valiant efforts I had to get away while I could.

"I've actually got a load of laundry to start so I'll just go ahead and get that over with." I go to move and Danni pulls a literal wand from his back pocket, pointing it directly at me. "Sit you heathen!"

I huff before sitting back down. I guess there was really no way out of it. Danni settles himself in between the two of us and tucks the wand in his waistband. I eye it warily and he winks at me.

"What's going on?" Andi's voice is meek, reflecting the nervousness that's written on his face. The mood goes from joking to somber in a heartbeat.

"Well, Hugh and I have been meaning to have an important conversation with you for quite some time. We've been waiting for the right moment but seeing as that may never happen I've decided to take lead and spill the beans."

Andi's face goes white with fear and while Danni blurts out reassurances I take a deep breath.

"Me and Danni are in a relationship that has Dom and Sub components. We're telling you this because of your own trauma and because Danni is afraid of you walking in while we carry out a scene. We are also caregivers, and have been looking for a little for several years now."

Andi just blinks while Danni chokes on his own spit.


It takes several hard thumps to the back to get his face back to its normal shade and the moment it does it's replaced by another kind of red - embarrassment.

"Well then, that is not how I would have put it but it's out in the open now so I guess there's no going back." Danni glances at Andi who still just looks confused.

"I mean.... not to be mean but that's kind of what I assumed? You guys do own a BDSM club. I just wasn't expecting the... y'know."

Well shit. If that didn't shut the two of us up.

"Can I ask why you weren't expecting us to be interested in littles? You don't have to tell us, I'm just overly curious." Danni's voice is gentle, despite that fact that I know his heart is beating a gazillion times a minute.

I know this next part like the back of my hand. 'I just assumed you guys were too tough for that.' And they were never talking about Danni. Why do people automatically assume that my tattoos and size mean I hate kids?

"I just figured that if you wanted someone you'd have found them by now."

At the looks of pure shock on our faces Andi hurriedly corrects himself.

"N-Not in a bad way! At all! I just mean that I don't understand why you haven't found anyone. You guys have been so kind to me, really, and you guys deserve to have someone like that in your lives! You make me feel safe and wanted and cared for me on a whole 'nother level!" 

My mouth gapes a bit as I take in this feeling of.... not rejection? I'm so caught up in the shock of Andi's words that I nearly miss Danni's sobs. Nearly being the word.

"Oh Andi! You absolutely bundle of light! Thank you!" He leans over to dramatically hug Andi only to get harshly poked in the stomach by the forgotten wand.

"Oof! Andi, anyone who would ever think of hurting a pure soul like yours should rot in hell for the rest of eternity! Having you here has been the best thing to happen to me in years!" With those words Andi starts to sniffle, and before I know it I've got four arms wrapped around my midsection.

I want to join them, to connect on that emotional level that magically brings people closer, but I can't. All I can do is rub their backs, fetch tissues, and acknowledge the silliness of it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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