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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍. And to Loretta? It was no surprise that Daphne Bridgerton was the first choice. I mean she has all the quality of being a great wife, her strong personality, her beauty, and so much more. So Loretta wasn't jealous of the Bridgerton girl, she was happy that she might just have a shot of finding a great husband.

After Daphne was announced as Diamond, a lot of the attention had gone to her. Rightfully so. So mainly for the rest of the night, Loretta stood by her brother as she watched Daphne dance with suitor after suitor. Catching the eye of Colin Bridgerton a few times, but always looking away before it became noticeable by the peers around them. Loretta got asked to dance a few time, accepting them to be polite. But never having a connection with them that a women is suppose to feel when looking for a husband. Always feeling that they just weren't up to the expectations. But really, there is only one boy who was up to that expectation. And that was the boy she shouldn't have but so desperately wanted.

The rest of the night flowed smoothly, after a few hours of mindless talking. And excruciatingly boring dances, Loretta and her brother made their way home. The whole Bridgerton family following close behind. By the time Loretta arrived home, a storm was brewing in the sky. And if there is one thing about Loretta, it's she loves electric storms. And knowing so, a certain boy would show up outside her window after dark, begging for her to come out enjoy the storm with him.

Loretta hears the sound of little pebbles hitting her window, slowly. She thought it might just be the rain, but it came in patterns. So she slowly got up, and opened her window to smell the air of the storm. And looking below to see a very drenched Bridgerton. Giving her a goofy smiles and whispering, "Come down Starlight! This storm is to good to miss.."... "Colin it is pouring! You're gonna catch a cold.." The girl says smiling but slightly scolding him and his behavior. "Oh Loretta! Come on, you only live once... please?" Loretta sits and sighs in thought of his request. After a few moments, the girl disappears from the window and appears outside. Under the roof still, to reduce her getting wet.

Colin smiles at the sight of her. Her hair was down, which really wasn't allowed. But he liked it. He like how silky it looked, and how long the length was. He wished she could wear it down more. Snapping out his thoughts, he bits his lip as he nods towards her to get closer. "Come on Etta.." He says holding out his hand for her take.

Loretta smiles and takes his hand slowly, coming into the rain. Her hair immediately taking the pressure of the water hitting her head. Then her clothes, becoming soaking wet with warm water. She laughs at the feel, the feeling of being free. She loved it, and what she loved most of all is that she is experiencing it with Colin. Colin takes ahold of her hand and starts running with her through the garden, going all the way to the back. The sound of their footsteps against the wet grass was heard from no one but them, and their breathy laughs filled the air.

"Colin! Colin we are getting poured on!" The girl was says with a voice full of laughs that are trying to be suppressed. Colin spins around to meet eyes with the girl to smile. "Oh come on starlight, you know I would never let you miss a good electric storm! Now come, we are almost there.." He says grinning at the end of his sentence.

"Almost where?" The girl says with a confused smile, until they arrive at the closed in Gazebo. There was blankets, food, and a small area for them to sit on the floor to watch the storm together. "Colin... this is amazing.." The girl says taking the lead and walking in front of him and stopping a few feet away from the Gazebo. Stunned at his sudden action. She turns around and looks him in the eye, which a look adoration and love fulling them. "You didn't have to such things Colin.. I could've watched from my room window.."

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" He says looking at Loretta  from a few feet away, his eyes moving around her face like she is the only girl in the world. Clearing his throat, he says "Uh let uhm.. let go sit.." They head there way over and under the shelter the Gazebo gives, immediately Colin wraps a blanket over Loretta to keep her warm. The girl smiles warmly at the boy. They sit and silence for a long while just enjoying the storm, and their time together.

It wasn't unusual for Colin to show up late at night, trying to converse with Loretta. But he has never done this before. It took her by surprise, she just assumed that they would just sit on the steps of her home, watching the rain fall on the streets and electricity filled the skyline. But tonight, tonight felt different. It was safe to say, they both acknowledged and felt the feelings that they fought so hard to keep hidden. For a long while Colin had thought his feeling were one sided, and someday he would have to move on. But as fate pulled the two closer, it has come apparent that Loretta had some sort of feelings that wasn't just friendly for Colin. So that gave the Bridgerton a reason not to give up. To try and get the girl who made him feel, the girl who understood him. The girl whom he had 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 since he was small.

After a long silence, Colin breaks it saying "I don't know what the Queen was thinking, not picking you as Diamond.." Loretta turns his head to look at him but find him staring at her, with his beautiful blue eyes. Lost for words, Etta looks down and her face flushes as she takes in the comment. "I think Daphne is just a fine pick.." She says, "Oh I'm not doubting my sister's capability of being a good Diamond, and finding a husband... I just believe you have all the qualities of a Diamond.. Beauty, Elegance, Confidence, and Courage.." The boy says while looking at the girl in front of him, with a sort of longing in his eyes. It seems they have gotten closer than they were before. To anyone outside of these two, this would be seen as scandalous. But to them? It felt right.

Loretta smiles as looks down from the stir of emotion inside her. Before she could do anything, Colin's hand found his way to her chin. Lifting her face up to keep her stare on him, pushing back her loose hair behind her ear. The two had a moment of realization inside of them. Realizing that this wasn't just a figment of their own imaginations. That what this was, could be something real. Be something more than just a friendship.

The two seemed to inch closer and closer together, by what they would call is gravity. Colin's eyes are darting around his starlights face, from her eyes to her lips. And it seemed that Loretta was doing the same. Both breaths were shallow, knowing they really shouldn't be doing such things.

The girl could feel his breath on her cheek as her eyes fluttered shut at the feeling. And just when they almost connected, on a different level. The sound of thunder and electricity filled the sky. Making the pair jump back. Immediately Loretta stood up, looking around and then back at Colin. Knowing that whatever just happened, should never happen again. Even if she desperately wanted it to.

Loretta back away, and started taking steps away. Before Colin could get a word out, Loretta was gone. Like a blink of an eye, she ran and ran until she made it back to her home. Quickly and quietly entering her room. Pushing her hair out of her face, as she thinks of what just happened. The way her heart was beating at a 1000 beats per second.


Okay.. so like more fluff.. there will be some drama coming up so! Yay!

I liked this chapter, I hope you do too:)

HELLO TTPD CAME OUT. I am actually mentally destroyed. What are you top 5? Mine gotta be "Who's afraid of little old me?" "The albatross" " The prophecy" "The black dog" and "loml" . Such a good album, and I might just name a chapter after one of these songs soon...

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, and as always. If you have any suggestions or comment, I'm always open to them! Just remember to be respectful <3


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