Chapter 9

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Bakagou-'LET IT RIP!'

As Bakagou would launch Storm Pegasus as the bey would soar into the stadium and began to race around it as Bakagou would watch as the bey raced around it as he let out a sigh dammit he still wasnt feel any true connection but he was making progress even if it was small as Pegasus wasnt going wild by itself as often but still

He still couldnt summon the spirit of Pegasus let alone try to perform the special move consistently sure he could perform it but it was random but their is somthing to be gained was that outside of a few allyway battles he wasnt losing to the old geezer especially in the stadium

He of course would get some experience of what a pro blader does out on the feild sure for the old man with his hey he was really quick and would bounce all over the place but it was getting the job done

As he would reach out his hand as Pegasus would return to his hand which is major progress for him since Pegasus didnt really return to him after his battles so at least he knows he is getting somewhere

But he also couldnt stop thinking about the supposed villain that had this L-Drago bey namely the description as it was so simular if not the exact same description of Deku which couldn't be true right why would the nerd get his hands on a possible dangerous bey?

Naaa he was clearly over thinking it after all he knows the nerd and he couldnt possibly get his hands on a dangerous bey he is quirkless after all he couldn't get a bey and the real villain just had an uncanny familiar description as Deku right?

Yea he was simply over thinking it after all he now had Storm Pegasus the strongest bey in the world he will easily get back the forbidden bey

Gran Tornino-'Hey enough slacking off come we are going on a late night patrol and i am going to need you to be ready'

He would instruct Bakagou breaking him out of his deep thinking as Bakagou would look at the old man and nods his head

Bakagou-'Fine whatever i will get ready just dont hold me up old man'

He said walking out of the bey park training ground and would make his way back to the old mans home as his gear is their as Gran Tornino would sigh this has been a long week and its been mostly disrespect no matter

As he would also head back to his home as the hours would go by and now it was time to head to 1 of the nearby citys as they are going to be taking a late night patrol

As they would take the train heading to 1 of the city districts to perform their patrol as they are currently on the bullet train as Bakagou would look at Pegasus and clutches the bey as he was currently day dreaming about himself been the number 1 hero

But his dream would be interrupted by a sudden loud bang waking him up to the real world as the bullet train had come to a sudden stop and the reason is quiet obvious as a giant hole had been bursted open at the side of the train not far from him

As a bey can be seen spinning along with a figure whos features cannot be made out as they are wearing a dark robe along with a mask over their face preventing their identiy from been known

Unknown-'For Hades!'

As suddenly the bey began to spin faster and faster as a fire would erupt but befire anything else can happen

Gran Tornino-'LET IT RIP!'

As he would launch his bey crashing it into the unknown attackers bey as the 2 would take their battle outside of the train and towards the city as Bakagou would quickly stand up to look outside and is in shock at what he see

For the city he was meant to go on his night patrol is on fire or a large sector is as the city is under attack and Bakagou wasnt going to stay inside of the train no he was going to help and be the hero he is destine to be

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