Intro Ch.| Alan.

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It's the end of my first week at Hogwarts. I'm a 4th year.

I walk down the hall to the Gryffindor Common Room to wind down after an annoyingly exhausting day. That damned potions professor grinds my gears.

As I step in, I'm getting the looks, as it has been this past week. No one seems to want to speak to me. I don't know whether it's my rep from Ilvermorny or they're just scared of my resting bitch face. Nevertheless, it's not my problem.

I take a seat on the couch and brush arms with a boy, he tenses and looks at me.

Y/N: "You got a problem?"

The boy: "N-N-No, I don't. I'm sorry" and he scoots away a bit. "My name is Neville. Neville Longbottom."

Y/N: "I'm Y/N." I say coldly, showing my obvious disinterest.

Neville: "Nice to meet you."

I just nod and rest my head on the back of the couch. The boy speaks again, can't he just shut up...?

Neville: "You're from America?"

Y/N: "Wow, you're just a genius, huh?" I spoke sarcastically.

Neville: "I-"

I took a breath.

Y/N: "Yes, I'm from America."

Neville just sat there, staring blankly at me. Who does this kid this he is?

I huffed out a breath and got up, heading to my dorm, that I shared with these two very annoying girls. Hermione Granger was a smart ass, a teachers pet, and a brown-noser. Luna Lovegood was just a freak.

Hermione: "Y/N have you done your potions homework?"

I raised a brow at her.

Y/N: "And that's your concern.... how?"

Hermione: "Just making sure our new student doesn't need any help."

Y/N: "I don't need your help."

Hermione shuts up after that. Yet, Luna is... TOUCHING MY PLANT?!

Y/N: "Scram. That's mine."

Luna: "Oh, I was just feeling its leaves."

Y/N: "Don't touch it. It's labeled "Y/N's" don't touch my shit."

Luna: "It's fascinating. What plant is it?"

Y/N: "If you had any common knowledge of plants you'd know it's Alihotsy."

I'd always been interested in plants. However, I could never keep them alive. This Alihot is my pride and joy. He loves me and I love him.

Luna: "My, it's beautiful."

Y/N: "Back. Off."

And she did. Luna went on her own business.

I took a damp cloth from the bathroom and wiped her nasty oils off my plant's leaves and then gave him a bit of water.

Then, I started my nightly routine. I changed in the bathroom, into my pajamas. They were satin, and of a dark green color, a classic button up T-shirt and shorts.
I got in bed, pulled the covers over me and drew out a book from within my nightstand.

As I began to read I turned my head so my Alihot plant, which I named Alan, could feel the vibration.
Why? Because the vibration improves the plants communication and photosynthesis. Which improves growth and the immune system. In other words: Alan is happy.

~Happy without Lovegood's grubby fingers on him.~

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