Day before the start

55 13 23

"NO, I'm not going to some boarding school!"

"Yes, yes you are! You got accepted! Go pack your bags!" My mom was holding a letter with stuff I would need, and I had the acceptance letter. I reread it.

"No, mom, I'm not going!"



I stomp off to my room, grab a bag angrily and put some random stuff in it, and Mr. Spider! 

I've had him since I was 3...I bit people till they started bleeding back then ... .anyway, I don't want to go at all! I finished packing and went to the kitchen.
"Good, now go to sleep!" My mom put a mask on me and I felt woozy, everything started spinning, my legs felt weak and my head hurt, my eyes droopy, but I fought the urge to sleep, I kicked my mom in the shin the took off the mask and put it on her instead and she instinctively fell to the ground, then the cops showed up, I took the mask off her and ripped it up then made sure it was all gone and split it up, some in the washer, some in the trash, some in the...baked beans? I have no idea, I made sure to look innocent and afraid, like I need help, before opening the door.
"Hello, your neighbor called because they heard yelling, is everything alright in there?" The cop said, while eating a donut, I had to lie or else I would get caught, right?


The cop rushed inside, I could have heard the panic in my own voice, but it was all fake.

Just then a hooded figure ran past the house, I went after him, he seemed to run at the speed of sound, I was slow though, but he stopped in front of a school called

"Baked Beans Academy " (A/N: you'll get the joke if you read before)

"Oh fuck no!"
"Hello Ambrose..."
I looked over at the figure to see-

Ophelia? It-it can't be...
"O-Ophelia? I thought you died in the flood..."
"Obviously not! God, you're so gullible! You've really gotta work on that if you wanna go here!"
"But that's the thing, I don't wanna go here!"
"Then how'd you get accepted?"
"Well of course not. You don't apply to go here,"
"Well you led me here!"
"Yea, Master Kaiser made me."
"Because he has seen what you can do. He likes your skills and wants you on his team"
"Yes. His team of girls vs The Granivores"
"Why does he need a team of girls?"
"Answer me!"
"Ok fine!
"Thank you"
"He needs girls because people always think they are helpless and can't do any harm and can act useless and innocent a lot better than boys can."
"Ophelia you are my sister and I missed you. But now why are you here? Bringing me to a school I don't want to be at."
"Because I am supposed to be dead. It helps for a cover story. I've been on several missions. Killed many people. Not as many as you, of course."
"Ophelia. I haven't killed anyone on purpose."
"Oh of course not. They all say that"
"They who?"
"The world's biggest murders"
"I am not a murder!"
"Yes, you are."
"Name 6 people I have murdered!"
"Mia Sharp, Kaylee Smith, George Riddle, Maria Naron, Mike Fitz, Tom Kratz"
"Well...uhm...we don't talk about was uh ... .self defense!"
"They were innocent people."
"They were not!"
"See, you just admitted you killed them!!"
"Did not!"
"Did too"
"See we fight like siblings! We really are sisters!"
"Nah bitch. You left me to die! With mom, you were alive yet decided to act dead! I could have died with that psycho!"
"But you didn't"

This little bitch. If I hadn't put that mask on her and not me, I prolly would be dead right now! This little gremlin-

I was snapped outta my thoughts when a tall man came over.

"Ophelia, I see you completed your mission. Go get a bullet." The man says in a cold tone.

"Bullet?" I ask confused.

"Ah. Yes, Ambrose, what's your last name again?"

"Izzalaanne." (Izza-la-anne) I say still quite confused.

"Well Miss. Izzalaanne, follow me to my office please, we then will have someone show you around.  Come now. Do you have a bag? Or trunk? Or anything?" He asks, a stone cold tone.

" From what I know, I was taken outta my house without anything on me." I say, stating the obvious. 

"Oh. Right. Well, you will have your uniform anyways, so you'll be fine." He says standing up straighter. 

We walk into the Halls of the school. Students in the hallways flipping knives as fun. People with black eyes smiling like idiots. Where the hell am I? Why are kids looking so beat up, and so...evil? 
I'm snapped outta my thoughts again as a the man opens a door and gestures me to go inside. 

"Sit, take a seat. Would you like some vodka?" He says.

"Um...I'm fourteen?" I say, still extremely confused.  

"So, yes, here." He grabs a normal sized cup and fills it to the top.

I take the cup and take a small sip very cautiously. It tastes like literal shit.  I put it down as my face goes sour. 

"No, thank you. That's shit."

The man chuckles.

"You're definitely fourteen for sure. Anyways, we have brought you here for a reason." He starts, and my ears perk up. 

"This reason is that I have seen you. I have been watching you. You can easily kill. I've only ever had a few students like you before. So congratulations. Anyways, this is Leah, she will show you around." 

I look over to see a girl with silky, brown hair, and a chocolate skin tone. She has sharp features and grey eyes. Her hair in tight curls. She looks around my age, give or take a few years. She put on a small smirk and came over, out of the corner of the room and made her way over to me. 

"Let's go, new girl." She says, a cold tone and sharp deadly glare. 

"Uh...Yes ma'am." I get up and quickly follow her out of the room. I make sure to keep right next to her, her uniform fitting her perfectly. A ribbon in her hair to match. She slowly shows me around every classroom, bathroom, lunch area, and then we get to outside. 

"Mingle. Don't talk to me. Bye." She says, and walks off to a group of two others standing around. They looked like they had no idea what to do until she got there. I go to a group of three, Ophelia there too.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey. I'm Zara, this is Jake and Ophelia." She gestures to each of them. 

"Who are you?" Jake asked with a cold tone. 

"I'm Ambrose, Ophelia's twin sister." I say.

"Technically my younger sister, we were born on different days." Ophelia speaks up. 

"How is that possible?" Jake says very confused.

"Our mom had Ophelia Thursday the twelfth 11:58 pm. She had me Friday the thirteenth 12:01 am." I say.

"Wait you were born on Friday the thirteenth? Scary." Zara says. 

"Not really. Anyways, where do we sleep?" I ask.

"Oh, in our dorms, duh." Jake says.

"No shit Sherlock, where are our dorms though?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Up here, c'mon." Zara grabs my arm and takes me to a staircase. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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