Not a Failure

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Series: Skylanders

Genre: Angst-ish. It's the "character feels bad about doing something bad" kind of deal, but it has a happy ending.

Context: This oneshot takes place after the events of the Skylanders book "Gill Grunt and the Curse of the Fish Master". A full summary is on the Skylanders wiki, but the relevant parts are this: Wham-Shell alongside a kingdom of merfolk are brainwashed by an object known as the "Fish Master's Crown" to mine treasure by Captain Grimslobber. Wham-Shell is joined by Zap and Gill Grunt, one of whom is not hypnotized at all (Zap) and one who breaks free of it (Gill). The important thing is that Gill broke free through willpower, whereas Wham-Shell didn't get free until Gill caused enough chaos to make Cpt. Grimslobber temporarily lose control of the crown which disrupted the brainwashing.

Notes: All Skylanders oneshots will take place in my own continuity-AU-thing that I've titled "Skybrids". This continuity is a near 1:1 of canon so there's no need to know anything beyond what canon tells you. Aside from some small bits here and there that are different (which I'll always put in this segment at the start), everything is the same as the games and books. There is one bit of AU-ish stuff that I do use regularly though and those are fan-made "real names" I made for all of the characters. I don't use them very often but they do come up a couple of times a chapter so I'll list them at the beginning every time. Wham-Shell is "Maximilian Marino Malacosta".


A good prince and future king is not one who gets himself brainwashed, nor is he one to try and suffocate his friend in starfish. Yet, that's exactly what Wham-Shell had done. He had all the clues that spelled out "something fishy is going on here"; I mean, the milky eyes, the merfolk being put in a trance, the mindless swimming and Prince Aquan's brief period of lucidity. And what did he do with that information? Get himself hypnotized, that's what. And worse, he couldn't even muster up the willpower to break free, unlike Gill Grunt. The Gillman shattered the captain's horrible hold upon his mind with willpower and a little help from Zap. Wham-Shell? Nope, he just...existed.

By the Ancients, did he hate himself for that. It was bad enough that he didn't break out, it was worse that he'd attacked his friends so readily. Maybe one could make the argument that starfish weren't that bad compared to the spikes of his mace (or morning star, he wasn't sure what it was anymore). Maybe, but it'd be an argument weaker than Kaos' attempt at insults. Really, "Skyblunderers" was the best he had? Wham-Shell knew his own insults were better. After all, he'd aimed them all at himself, and it stung worse than a corn hornet.

How could he be so weak, so cowardly, so...unprincely? Everyone rightly expected him to be the regal and heroic figure of legend, and they were justified in doing so. He was a Skylanders for Eon's sakes. It wasn't right that he'd let a spell like that come over him, and his attempt to fight it wasn't good enough. It was wimpy, it was weak, it was pathetic. The endless turmoil in his mind as control of another took hold wasn't enough. He should've done more. He should be doing more. Why is he moping in the water of the citadel and not apologizing?! By the Ancients, King Roland did not raise a failure and a selfish, mopey crab. Maximilian Marino Malacosta, you complete and utter shame; a stain on the royal family.

Enough self-hate. It's well past the time for "sorry" and such. Resurfacing from the waters, Wham-Shell mounted his mace like a witch on a broomstick (as so many Skylanders had loved to poke fun at) and made his way to shore, hopping off and scooping up his family's ancestral weapon with ease. Claws gripping the handle 'til it hurt, he did his best to walk properly, not trudge in frustration or upset despite that describing his current state of mind. One must carry himself well, after all, he didn't want anyone to notice and pity him. There was nothing to pity.

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