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~Jennie's P.O.V.~

'Bathroom', Is my first thought. What else could it be?

And why do I have to do this? This person could be a stalker.

"I know what you're thinking..." The secretary, Ms, Carrie speaks up, causing my heart to skip a beat, because I forgot that there was someone still in here. "But, trust me, I would do it if I were you."

I don't know Ms. Carrie that well. I've never really even been in the principle's office before. But, she seems like a nice lady.

"Um.. Okay.."

She smiles and nods at me, before looking back down at her computer and she starts typing again. I slowly back away from the desk, and turn around to start walking out into the empty hallway.

As I'm walking, questions fly through my head.

Who's doing this? And why?

Once I'm outside of the girls and boys bathrooms, I look at the paper that's in my hand and re-read it.

Now, the question is, is it in the girls bathroom, or the boys?

I just walk into the girls bathroom, because I'm not going into the boys...Whoever is doing this, they're lucky that I am even participating in this.

I don't see anything eye catching... Just the grey tiled walls, the grey stalls, and the white sinks.

I step further into the bathroom, and stand in front of the mirror that's hanging above the sinks.

Staring at myself, I think about how crazy this is. Who could bribe the principle into letting me skip the day? Isn't that illegal or something?

In the corner of my eye, I see a stall that's open, and a small, white piece of paper that's hanging on the wall, above the toilet. I sigh and run my hand down my face. "Let the games begin." I mumble to no one in particular.

I quickly walk over to the stall, my shoes clacking on the wooden floor, and I tear the taped piece of paper off of the wall.

'Jennie.' It reads on the front.

I unfold it, and scan it.

'Well, hello there. I guess you are smart after all. Good job for you! You passed the first one! Okay, the next clue will be in a room that you can be colorful. Look for a big brown box. The clue will be on top of the brown box. Have fun!'

"Brown box..." I mumble, staring at the paper. "It has to be the Art Room."

As soon as I say that, my head automatically rises at the sound of the bell, signaling for the end of second period.

I fold the paper back up, and stuff it into my pocket, before walking out of the stall.

Whoever did this, must have a thing for bathrooms.

Now, when I walk out into the hallway, it's the opposite of what it was before. It's full with everyone from all of the classes.

I cringe when I see Brittney walking along with her two followers,talking wildly to them, and I turn the opposite way of what I'm supposed to be going so I can get away from her. We haven't talked or seen each other ever since that one day of when Taehyung lied to her. And I'm glad.

"Yo, Jennie! Stop for a minute!" I pause when I hear her voice, and I wince.

Oh, God.. Please help me.

"Well, hello there." Brittney places her cold hand on my shoulder from behind me, and I shrink. "We haven't talked to you in a while." She says, slowly.

"Um. I-I have to go." I stutter out, and shake her hand off of my shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... We just want to talk to you." She walks around to the front of me, and I close my eyes, just barely glimpsing her evil smile.

"What do you want, Brittney?" I whisper. I know I shouldn't be afraid, but it's three against one, and I'm not strong enough to even handle Brittney.

"We just wanted to let you know that... We're proud of you."

"What?" I ask surprised, and my eyes pop open wide.

She nods her head, and one of the girls on her side flips her brown hair over her shoulder, as she speaks up. "Yeah, not everyone can stand up to Taehyung like you did.. I know I couldn't."

My eyebrows raise up. "What?"

They look at each other, and their smiles grow. "We don't know how you could tell him no, that you won't date hi-"

"Listen," I interrupt her. "I need to go. I have something to do.." I tell her, thinking about the art class. Plus, I want to go, because this is totally awkward. There's something up, and I'm not dumb enough to fall for it.


 "Sorry," I laugh nervously, and scratch my arm. "I have to go.. Bye."

She looks at me like I'm nuts as I start backing away from her, and I turn away, and walk as fast as I can, not looking back until I know for sure that they're not behind me.

What in the world was that? That was so.. Un-Brittney like...

I walk down to the art room, hoping that it's empty, but I highly doubt it will be. How am I going to to walk in there?

I let out a deep sigh, and stop in front of the door, already able to see the art teacher, Mrs. Francis, sitting at her desk, painting on a piece of paper that's on her desk. Mrs. Francis looks up when I tap lightly at the door, and I smile politely at her.

She stands up quickly, a smile lighting up her face, and walks over to the door, then opens it.

"Well, hello there, Ms. Kim. I've been waiting on you."

My eyebrows raise. "Really?"

She smiles, and slides her hands down her sides, straightening out her shirt. "Yes, I'm not supposed to tell you anything, so I've been told that my only job is to let you in here and do you job." She takes a step back away from the door and gestures for me to enter. "Well, come on.. You can come in."

I take a step into the room, and scan it; looking for any hint of a brown box, and sure enough, I find a medium sized brown box, sitting in one of the seats in the front row.

"I hope you like it." Mrs. Francis says, interrupting my thoughts.

"Thanks." I mumble, and walk towards it, my hear almost beating out of my chest from nervousness.

I stop in front of the box, and the first thing I see on top of it, is a little, tiny, red rose, next to a card that says my name on top of it. I quickly pick up the card, and rip the top of the envelope off, and I pull the card out of it.

The front of the card is just plain white with nothing on it, but I open the card up and start reading it.

'Roses are red. Violets are blue. You're so sweet, I wish I was like you. You don't understand how much you mean to me, but soon everything will be clear, and you will see. Keep following these clues, and go to the first place where we kissed. The clue is in the box, open it, it's easy to guess.'.

Where we kissed?

My mind races. I've never kissed Eli. the only person I've kissed besides Taehyung, is Brent.. But it wouldn't be him.. He moved. So that means...

I tear the box open, and the thing that's lying inside... Is a chlorine bottle, that we put in our filters that cleans the pool in our gym...

The pool where Taehyung kissed me...

The place where this whole thing started.

✔The Nerd And The Jerk [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now