Chapter One

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Natasha's POV

Get down!" Tony yelled. I dropped to the ground covering my head with my arms as I heard Tony fly over my me and shoot one of his repulsors. Dirt and pieces of stone rained down on me kissing my cheeks. "The wall's down get in there and clear a path I'll look for the generator."

"Let us know when you're going to kill the power this time!" Steve warned.

"Afraid of the dark Mr. America?" I asked sarcasm dripping from my voice as I climbed to my feet and raced through the woods.

"If he was he'd be afraid of you." Tony replied. Rolling my eyes I dodged a tree and ducked under a branch forging my own path to the base.

"And who still sleeps with a night light?" I retorted. Tony scoffed and I felt a smirk form on my lips.

"It is not a night light!" He whined.

"That's not what thy Lady Pepper says." Thor mused. Tony groaned and the conversation temporarily stopped as the real fight started. Rounding a tree I took up my position behind a rather large boulder. Peering around it I saw the sentries standing with their guns poised and ready for combat. Scanning the area I stared at the portion of the broken wall Tony blew up in front of me. The break slanted up almost creating a staircase before reaching its full height and wrapping around the rest of the building.

"Time for a distraction." Turning I looked for an obscure area and discovered it just meters away. Slipping out from behind my hiding place I slunk in the shadows until I reached a thick section of trees and rocks. The perfect would be hiding spot. Reaching into one of my holsters I grabbed a gun and uncliped the laser pointer that I used occasionally for long distance shots before planting it in a gap between two rocks. Looking around I found a tall weed and used it to rap around the button on the end to keep it on. The angle planted the small red dot right on one of the sentries' chest. Before they noticed I slipped away and headed back to my original position.

"Aye!" One of them called pointing to the marked man. Panicking they turned focusing on the area which the laser pointer rested. While their attention was diverted ,and their backs to me, I sprinted to the wall and climbed the almost staircase of bricks. Once on top I continued my sprint with flawless balance until I was out of the area and on my way towards the building. Once the wall ran parallel to the building I jumped the gap landing easily on the roof.

"You at the building yet Romanoff?" Stark asked.

"On it." I breathed, jogging to the closest sky light. Stark zoomed over head checking my progress and let loose a small laugh.

"You weren't kidding."

"Why on earth would you think I was kidding Stark?" Reaching my destination I glanced inside and detected two enemies on the cat walk. Nothing I couldn't handle.

"Very funny guys, but I could use a little help!" Clint yelled and I saw him sprinting across the snow covered ground with soldiers in hot pursuit while he fired over his shoulder. Sighing I pulled out a pistol and easily picked them off.

"Give me more of a challenge Clint." He shook his head at me from where he was standing and I couldn't help but laugh. Turning back to the sky light I took a few steps back, let loose a bullet to shatter the glass, and dropped in. Landing on top of a soldier I caused him to collapse to the ground. From there I spun kicking out the legs of the other and bashed my gun across both of their temples. As more men came rushing at me I swung over the edge of the railing and began weaving my way through the scaffolding beneath. Slipping in and out with quick efficiency.

"Where'd she go?" One of them asked worriedly.

"How am I supposed to know?" One of the others retaliated. Slipping in and out of the bars I had made my way to the other side of the cat walk and flipped back up and over the bars. Landing lightly on my feet I sauntered over so that I was standing right behind them and looking over the edge.

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