8. Party & Passion

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Joshua, Jeonghan, and Wonwoo found themselves in the corridor of their friend's house, staring down at the bustling crowd below them on the ground floor. They were at a party.


Junhui. He convinced them that spending the Saturday night at a college party would be a great idea. And somehow, they agreed. Now, they were in the corridor and Junhui was already dancing crazily on the dance floor below, probably drunk.

"Now, what should we do?" one of them asked.

"get drunk? I mean what else are we gonna do at a party? play jenga?" Wonwoo told them.

"Get drunk when we have work tomorrow morning? Nice idea to get fired. But I don't wanna go broke."  Joshua replied in sarcasm.

"Shut up you two. We are drinking. No argument now. And not going to work on Sunday for one single time isn't enough for your boss to fire you." Jeonghan whispered shouted in annoyance.

"Now let's go. What are we waiting for? You heard him, Josh." Wonwoo tried to convince Joshua.

 "It doesn't feel right, Han"

"Joshuji, please, for once listen to me and spend time with us? You are so busy nowadays. Waking up early for lectures and school, then your part time job and you always go home early too and I now know why." Jeonghan told, more like screamed at Joshua, with tears in his eyes.

"Han, it isn't like that. You know that too. You guys are more important." Joshua told Jeonghan. Panic evident in his eyes. He was afraid that Jeonghan might take some weird steps at the party.

"I know. It's just that you seem distant these days. You were talking to a boy online and didn't even dared to inform me. I am your best friend for fuck's sake."

"Han, please clam down. We can talk about it later, okay?" Joshua tried holding Jeonghan's arm to calm him down.

"Why did you avoid spending time with us for someone else and why it has to be someone you never even met in real life?"  

Jeonghan forcefully jolted Joshua's hand away, turning on his heels and started walking towards the kitchen counter.

"You should have considered his feelings." Wonwoo finally spoke up after all the commotion.

"I never wanted to hurt him. It just turned out this way." Joshua replied sighing.

"I know you never wanted it to turn out like this. But you didn't get my whole point." This sentence made Joshua look at Wonwoo with confusion.

"What do you mean, Wonwoo?"

"I don't know if I am the right person to tell you this."  Wonwoo told "Jeonghan might kill me later for this."

"Tell me Wonwoo. Don't beat around the bush."

"He likes you, Joshua. He has always been, since starting of the college, since he met you. But you always considered him as his friend and never even thought of him as something more. So he compromised his feelings for your friendship. He always cares for you, more than any of us. But you never even thought once before hurting him."

"He likes me? Why didn't he ever tell me?"

"He didn't even tell me." Wonwoo told him.

"Then how you know this?"

"It was from when you told us that you have a crush on some boy from our college. I think around 3 years before. He came to my house, drunk and cried to sleep on my shoulder telling me on repeat that how much he likes you."

"I was hurting my best friend from such a long time without even knowing. I fucked up everything, right?"

"Yup, you did. But you can make it up." Wonwoo told before hugging Joshua slightly when he saw a tear escape his eyes.

Joshua dried his tears with back of his hand. He was determined to make things right. For his best friend, for their friendship.

"I will be back with him in few minutes." Joshua told Wonwoo, who nodded in response.






Joshua left the corridor and headed to the main hall, where the party was in full swing. He was determined to make things right with Jeonghan and apologize for hurting him. As he entered the room, he saw Jeonghan sitting alone on a sofa, three empty bottles of alcohol in front of him and a half full one in his hand.

 "Hey, Han. Can we talk?" Joshua asked, sitting beside him, sneakily taking the half filled bottle of alcohol from his hands and drinking it in a one breath.

 Jeonghan looked up at him with red, teary eyes. "I don't know." 

 " I'm sorry," Joshua said, placing his hand on Jeonghan's shoulder. "I never meant to hurt you and others. I was just trying to figure a few things out. And yes I do agree that I was talking to Dokyeom these days a lot." Joshua giggled a little.

 Jeonghan leaned into Joshua's touch, "You guys are already on the nickname stage?"

"Shut up, we are only friends. He has two names and I usually call him Dokyeom." Joshua sighed in relief. At least he is talking, he thought.

"I am sorry, Hannie."

"And?" Jeonghan asked looking in Joshua's eyes.

"It will not happen again. I will always come whenever you guys ask for hangout, no excuses anymore." Jeonghan giggled upon hearing his best friend's response.

"Let's go drink now, shall we?" Jeonghan asked asking for Joshua's hand dramatically.

Joshua was relived that they were at good meants again but was feeling guilt in his heart. For knowing that Jeonghan likes him, but he doesn't romantically. As they got drunk and lost their right state of mind, they started drinking and dancing like crazy. Both having the urge to cover up their own guilt in alcohol.

The two of them looked into each other's eyes for a long moment while dancing to a slow song together. Then, without saying a word, they leaned in and kissed, in affect of the alcohol. The kiss was soft and tentative at first, but as they deepened it, their passion grew.

 They broke apart, both breathing heavily. "Han, I don't know if this is a good idea," Joshua said, looking at him with uncertainty. "I know, but I can't help how I feel," Jeonghan replied, taking Joshua's hand in his.

 "I've always cared for you, more than I realized, and I don't want to lose you." Joshua smiled, and they kissed again, this time with more intensity. The alcohol seems to cover up his logical part of brain.

They stood up and stumbled towards one of the empty bedrooms, their hands and mouths exploring each other as they went. Inside the room, they undressed each other, and their passion ignited.

 They had sex, slowly and passionately, for hours, their bodies entwined in a dance of lust and desire, combined with the effect of alcohol.



Sorry for the late update. I was procrastinating.

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