Sick and Tired

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Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of it's characters, nor do I own any of the quotes in the beginning of my chapters. All credit goes to Jeff Davis and his incredible mind, as well as the owners and sites of these quotes.


Sick and Tired

"Sometimes in order to change, we simply need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired." -Fannie Lou Hamer

Gwen looked at her newly stained lavender-colored over coat, and then back up at Spencer. Her mouth was slightly agape, and the coffee shop was filled with the "oh's" and "ew"s of the people around them.

She looked back down at her barf-covered coat, and watched as the sticky liquid dripped off of her blouse to the wooden floors of the cafe. She barely had anytime time to register what had just happened.

A minute ago, she had finally decided to give up her coffee and give it to the man instead, for it seemed to her that he needed it more. The man was squinting his eyes awfully hard, as if something were to happen to him if he let in the light. His face had turned a sickly pale, and he looked as though he were about to pass out.

Gwen thought that she was doing him a favor. Giving him the coffee she rightfully ordered, paid, and waited for herself. It was a nice thing to do for someone, wasn't it? Never had she ever thought that she'd end up getting barfed on instead.

Gwen knew that she had to help him though. Although he had attempted to "steal", so she calls it, her beloved coffee cup from heaven, Gwen knew that she had to help him. After wiping off some of the barf from her clothes, she walked over to the man who was still clutching his head, and put his arm around her, making sure he wouldn't fall over.

Spencer knew he had just barfed on the girl. As much as he wanted to apologize and run away, he just felt too weak. The migraine was killing him, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to go to work today.

Willing his headache to go away, he clutched his head tightly before feeling someone take his arm and put it around them. Spencer opened his eyes a little and looked down at the body standing next to him.

It hurt to open his eyes, and he could barely see anything. He could though, see the wavy brown locks and bangs of the girl who had claimed his coffee cup was hers earlier. Squinting his eyes so that he could see better, his vision began returning to normal and he could finally make out the figure of the girl beside him.

'So she's helping me' he thought 'the girl is nicer than she seems'.

The pair slowly began walking over to entrance of the coffee shop. The walk to the doors was silent, and Gwen tightened her grip on Spencer's arm, for he looked a little dizzy. Wondering where they'd be walking to next, Gwen decided to speak first.

"So where we goin?" She asked, looking at Spencer as he moved his dark shades up a little more, making sure they wouldn't fall off. "Did ya drive here?"

"Uh, no" Spencer replied, taking a deep breath and inhaling the sweet scent of vanilla and butterscotch "I took the metro. I'm supposed to be at work by 10:30." He tried not to mind the fact that the girl was using an odd form of slang and wasn't using proper vocabulary.

"Huh" Gwen said, leading Spencer to the side of the road and then stopping. I was supposed to be at work two hours ago..."Anyways, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not about to let you take the metro by yourself, let alone go to work. You need to go home and rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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