Chapter Seven

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"So, Gerard," Harmony prompted, smiling as if she knew something that Frank didn't. She leaned back, gently moving her arms just enough to keep her head above water.

"What about 'im?" Frank replied, floating on his board a couple feet away from her.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry about it. He seems nice." She paused before turning to face him once more. "We should go see a movie, since I'm in town. Just like old times, but more actually paying attention and a lot less making out, okay? You should invite Gerard."

Frank smiled to himself, nodding. "Yeah, that would be nice. You would like Gerard, he's a lot like you. You're both huge fucking nerds." Harmony kicked his board, effectively knocking him into the water, while he was too busy laughing to stop the rush of water coming into his mouth. He surfaced, sputtering, but still wearing a smirk.

"I'm not sure if I'm more upset that you called me or Gerard a nerd. Maybe Gerard and I will just go see a movie ourselves, and you can sit in your room and mope."

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd! I'm always up for a good Star Wars marathon, you know me," Frank replied, climbing back onto his board. "I'll ask him about it in a bit, what movie?"

"I don't know, we'll decide when we get there," Harmony responded, looking up at the sky and frowning. "I got to get going, my family is going out to dinner to celebrate my being home, or something like that. I'll see you tomorrow night, okay? Let's meet there at around 7." She waved, beginning to walk toward the shore. Frank agreed, and turned toward deeper waters in which higher waves lay.

When he finally emerged from the water, the sun was low in the sky, and the beach was pretty much empty, besides his stuff sitting near the ice cream stand, where Gerard had promised to watch it, and Gerard himself, who was leaning on the counter and drawing in his sketchbook.

Frank paused a couple feet away, watching as he concentrated on his book, lip captured between his teeth as he shaded something on the paper. After a couple more seconds of dripping onto the sand, Frank approached the counter, and took a seat on one of the stools. He could help but notice that Gerard had been drawing something that looked vaguely like him, but couldn't get a close enough look before Gerard slammed the book shut and shoved it into his bag.

"Hey," Frank spoke first, pretending that he didn't notice how panicked Gerard became as soon as Frank spotted his notebook. Gerard smiled at him, setting his bag down. "You wanna go see a movie tomorrow?"

Gerard's face looked a little red, but Frank marked it up to the sun, spinning a bit in the stool. "Harmony wanted to go see something and suggested I invite you." His smile was gone, as Gerard shuffled a little while looking into the glass counter at the different ice cream flavours.

"Oh... no, I'm okay. She was probably just trying to be nice, don't worry about it," he replied, fiddling with the pencil that was still on the counter. "I mean, what are you going to see anyway? I don't even know what's in theatres right now."

"No, no, she really does want you to come. She was pretty adamant about that. C'mon, I'll even pay for you, if that's what you're worried about," Frank insisted, pouting. Gerard glanced at his lips, and crumbled. He had many weaknesses, okay, and Frank happened to be one of them.

"Really?" He asked cautiously, not wanting to intrude in what was probably a date, since Harmony and Frank seemed to like each other a lot still, and were probably rekindling their relationship. Frank nodded though, lower lip still sticking out, almost pleading with Gerard to say yes. "I... I guess I could come. You don't have to worry about paying for me, I mean, I have a job and everything so I can afford it." Frank pursed his lips, andGerard was about to melt into the sand damn it.

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