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The seventh spiritual law of success is the Law of Dharma.  Dharma is a Sanskrit wordthat means purpose in life. The Law of Dharma  says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose. The field of pure potentiality is divinity inits essence, and the divine takes human form to fulfill a purpose.According to this law, you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it. There issomething that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world and for every uniquetalent and unique expression of that talent, there are also unique needs. When these needs arematched with the creative expression of your talent, that is the spark that creates affluence.Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates unlimited wealth and abundance.If you could start children right from the beginning with this thought, youd see the effect ithas on their lives. In fact, I did this with my own children. Again and again, I told them there wasa reason why they were here, and they had to find out what that reason was for themselves.From the age of four years, they heard  this. I also taught them to meditate when they wereabout the same age, and I told them, I never, ever want you to worry about making a living. Ifyoure unable to make a living when you grow up, Ill provide for you, so dont worry about that.I dont want you to focus on doing well in school. I dont want you to focus on getting the bestgrades or going to the best colleges. What I really want you to focus on is asking yourself howyou can serve humanity, and asking yourself what your unique talents are. Because you have aunique talent that no one else has, and you have a special way of expressing that talent, and noone else has it. They ended up going to the best schools, getting the best grades, and even incollege, they are unique in that they are financially self-sufficient, because they are focused onwhat they are here to give.  This then, is the Law of Dharma.There are three components to the Law of Dharma.  The first component says that each ofus is here to discover our true Self, to find out on our own that our true Self is spiritual, thatessentially we are spiritual beings that have taken manifestation in physical form. Were nothuman beings that have occasional spiritual experiences its the other way around: werespiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.Each of us is here to discover our higher self or our spiritual self. Thats the first fulfillmentof the Law of Dharma.  We must find out for ourself that inside us is a god or goddess in embryothat wants to be born so that we can express our divinity.The second component of the Law of Dharma  is to express our unique talents. The Law ofDharma says that every human being has a unique talent. You have a talent that is unique in itsThe Seven spiritual laws of Success¶34expression, so unique that theres no one else alive on this planet that has that talent, or thatexpression of that talent. This means that theres one thing you can do, and one way of doingit, that is better than anyone else on this entire planet. When youre doing that one thing, youlose track of time. When youre expressing that one unique talent that you possess or morethan one unique talent in many cases the expression of that talent takes you into timelessawareness.The third component of the Law of Dharma  is service to humanity to serve your fellowhuman beings and to ask yourself the questions, How can I help? How can I help all those thatI come into contact with? When you combine the ability to express your unique talent withservice to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma.  And coupled with theexperience of your own spirituality, the field of pure potentiality, there is no way  you will nothave access to unlimited abundance, because that is the real  way abundance is achieved.This is not a temporary abundance; its permanent, because of your unique talent, yourway of expressing it, and your service and dedication to your fellow human beings, which youdiscover through asking the question, How can I help? instead of Whats in it for me?The question, Whats in it for me? is the internal dialogue of the ego. Asking How canI help? is the internal dialogue of the spirit. The spirit is that domain of your awareness whereyou experience your universality. In just shifting your internal dialogue from Whats in it forme? to How can I help? you automatically go beyond the ego into the domain of your spirit.While meditation is the most useful way of entering the domain of spirit, simply shifting yourinternal dialogue to How can I help? will also access the spirit, that domain of your awarenesswhere you experience your universality.If you want to make maximum use of the Law of Dharma,  then you have to make severalcommitments.The first commitment is: I am going to seek my higher self, which is beyond my ego,through spiritual practice.The second commitment is: I am going to discover my unique talents, and finding myunique talents, I am going to enjoy myself, because the process of enjoyment occurs when I gointo timeless awareness. Thats when I am in a state of bliss.The third commitment is: I am going to ask myself how I am best suited to serve humanity.I am going to answer that question and then put it into practice. I am going to use my uniquetalents to serve the needs of my fellow human beings I will match those needs to my desire tohelp and serve others.Sit down and make a list of the answers to these two questions: Ask yourself, if money wasno concern and you had all the time and money in the world, what would you do? If you wouldstill do what you currently do, then you are in dharma, because you have passion  for what youdo you are expressing your unique talents. Then ask yourself: How am I best suited to servehumanity? Answer that question, and put it into practice.Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, serve humanity with it, and you can generate all the wealth that you want. When your creative expressions match the needs of your fellowhumans, then wealth will spontaneously flow from the unmanifest into the manifest, from therealm of the spirit to the world of form. You will begin to experience your life as a miraculousexpression of divinity not just occasionally, but all the time. And you will know true joy andthe true meaning of success the ecstasy and exultation of your own spirit.35 The law of purpose ¶APPLYING THE LAW OF DHARMA OR PURPOSE IN LIFEI will put the Law ofDharma  into effect by making a commitment to take the followingsteps:(1) Today I will lovingly nurture the god or goddess in embryo that lies deep within mysoul. I will pay attention to the spirit within me that animates both my body and mymind. I will awaken myself to this deep stillness within my heart. I will carry the consciousness of timeless, eternal Being in the midst of time-bound experience.(2) I will make a list of my unique talents. Then I will list all the things that I love to do whileexpressing my unique talents. When 1 express my unique talents and use them in theservice of humanity, I lose track of time and create abundance in my life as well as inthe lives of others.(3) I will ask myself daily, How can I serve? and How can I help? The answers to thesequestions will allow me to help and serve my fellow human beings with love.

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