important - Question and sharing .

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So hello everyone well I was about to publish the second part of the previous chapter but before that I have a question for you all at the same time something to tell as it was eating me up .

So the thing is like
The main plot of the chapter I had published previously was to show that

1) Not only elders but younger ones whether it be siblings/ daughters or in any other relations can take up the role to be mature , comforting , protective and understanding as the elder ones.
Now 2) so I have read a few fanfiction about match fixing allegations being framed on Virat or MS so it is related to that but at the same time I have  added a practical type of perspective in this which contains Indian parents .
3) mS was always portrayed as a strong person and this is fact he one of the strongest but even the strongest can have few disheartening moments in life so this is one .

Ok so the thing is I have been wondering you know that the media or in the case some has trapped you they have made a fool proof plan right at it would be looking real so you know sometimes  even parents fail to trust not all the parents but few of the people

Note - it's just my thoughts  not targeting anyone here.

So with this note my question comes here
Would you be ok with this plot and the upcoming parts
Would you be ok to see Virat taking care of MS like an elder person of a family .
Would you like to see MS being the younger one here.

Do answer will be waiting for it dearly .

Mahirat 😍Where stories live. Discover now