The McKinney Courier GazetteThursday, January 23, 1890

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Ghost of Addie Harden Seen — Again

Van Alstyne - It was nearly noon when Seisly Barnes reported seeing the belled buzzard on Route 121. Per his report the bird was perched upon the fence of Mr. Aches south facing fence.

Later that same day, his wife Dervela and father Seislyt Barnes were visiting the grave site of the recently deceased Aine Barnes. The pair claim to have seen the ghost of Addie Harden, deceased by self hanging in 1876, sitting cross legged at her own gravesite. The figure was dressed in Addie's familiar yellow cotton dress with her dark blonde hair running down her back in two loose plaits.

Mr. Seislyt Barnes claims to have watched the figure sit for 2-3 minutes before whispering "Addie.." At the beckoning of her name, the figure stood, made a cleaning swipe at her skirt, and walked forward straight into the pine brush surrounding the Potter's Field.

Both witnesses are in good standing with the community and active in their church giving credence to their sighting.

While this author does not claim to know the inner workings of the other side, it is worth remembering that the body of Adilene Harden was not recovered from the noose. 

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