First Feelings

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"Freedom is a right taken from humans, just like the wings of a bird's most valuable feature are broken. However, when those wings are repaired, that bird rises to the sky again and rediscovers the true meaning of freedom."

The fractures inside me are so deep that sometimes they are damaged beyond repair. The fatigue I have accumulated over the years has almost destroyed me. Deep despair blooms at home wondering how I can cope with so many difficulties.

And a goosebump-inducing, biting cold made me suddenly open my eyes, as if waking from a dream. The stupor around my head from yesterday was still a residue.

The dim light filtering in intermittently through the bars on the window made me squint my eyes. In this cold room, every breath The uneasiness that filled me during my shopping made that moment even more real.

The weight of the chains embedded in my body rattled every time I shifted my wrists, further increasing the silent unrest in the room.

At least I could make plans to escape until he arrived. Maybe the creak of that little door would revive the hope of escape.

My heart was beating wildly like a wildfire as my eyes followed his emerging silhouette. I felt every nerve screaming to run away from him, but my body was bound by chains. I took a step back, but the creaking and straining of the chains felt like they were pulling my body towards him.

His dull golden irises followed every movement of my body as his wheat-colored hair danced in the gentle breeze. The insane grin he had been showing me for the past few days only increased the feeling of disgust that had accumulated in my eyes. His grin was starting to look like he was playing a trick on me.

Why did this happen?

Perhaps it was my greedy curiosity that was behind this strange situation, or perhaps it was the disorder that lay within Grey's mysterious soul.

I felt truly sorry for him when I saw that his core was broken when we first met. Afterwards, the riveting journey of our temporary meetings was filled with the hope of getting to know someone for the first time after my brother.

This hope took root in Grey's being and became the fundamental principle that determines our relationship with him: reaching that pedestal.

Despite her cold personality towards others, she took care of me during the days we spent, taught me and sometimes made me laugh, down to the smallest detail of a painting, our last few months together were wonderful.

So why did everything come to this point? I asked myself again

Gray's lips twitched as Ben drowned in a flood of emotion, almost seeming to adopt a caring expression, but Caera could sense the coldness underlying it. "Isn't it cold in there, Lady?" she said, her voice carrying a mocking coquetry. His eyes were fixed on Caera with a piercing gaze, as if he were about to penetrate deep into her depths and reveal her every secret.

I was filled with deep inner pain, seeing him in such a light was tearing me apart inside. I was contradicting myself, because my pain for him was drawing me in as I was lost in the dark corners of his secret world.

I leaned my back against the cold surface of the wall and he slowly approached me. As he stood before me, his eyes, flowing through vertical slits, looked directly into my soul.

My lips were parched with thirst and curled in anger. While he was afraid to speak out because of the punishment he would inflict, he was still there. My words came out in a whisper: "Why, Grey? Why are you doing this to me?" I continued sobbing, my body shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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