Chapter 11: Second year Part 6

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7th, August, 1998. 3.00pm...

"We're skipping until the next day when we're heading down to Herbology." Harry smiled.

"Skipping the Howler more like it." Fred smirked.

"Such a relief for it to be sent to Ron instead of us." George added.

"Well we really don't need to show it." Ron said hurriedly, "Just know it was bad. And the first and last time I got a Howler from Mum."

"You deserved that one Ronald Billius Weasley." Molly growled.

"I didn't say I didn't." Ron shrugged, "Looking back on it we were stupid. Funny how you didn't send one to Harry." he muttered.

"He didn't know how to work the car." Arthur frowned, "You did though. I don't think we had ever been as angry as we were after that."

Ron and Harry blushed and looked down guiltily. "Sorry." they both mumbled as the memory started.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione left the castle together, crossed the vegetable patch, and made for the greenhouses, where the magical plants were kept. At least the Howler had done one good thing:

Hermione seemed to think they had now been punished enough and was being perfectly friendly again.

"What were you doing before? Giving them the cold shoulder?" Remus asked, having done that many times to Sirius and James during their time at Hogwarts.

"No, I was just snapping at them all the time, giving them lectures about every single thing, pretty much just annoying them because I know they didn't like it and still don't like it." Hermione replied cheerfully as the boys glared at her.

As they neared the greenhouses they saw the rest of the class standing outside, waiting for Professor Sprout. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had only just joined them when she came striding into view across the lawn, accompanied by Gilderoy Lockhart. Professor Sprout's arms were full of bandages, and with another twinge of guilt, Harry spotted the Whomping Willow in the distance, several of its branches now in slings.

Professor Sprout was a squat little witch who wore a patched hat over her flyaway hair; there was usually a large amount of earth on her clothes and her fingernails would have made Aunt Petunia faint. Gilderoy Lockhart, however, was immaculate in sweeping robes of turquoise, his golden hair shining under a perfectly positioned turquoise hat with gold trimming.

"Oh, hello there!" he called, beaming around at the assembled students. "Just been showing Professor Sprout the right way to doctor a Whomping Willow! But I don't want you running away with the idea that I'm better at Herbology than she is! I just happen to have met several of these exotic plants on my travels..."

"Bloody git doesn't know anything." Remus growled.

"Greenhouse three today, chaps!" said Professor Sprout, who was looking distinctly disgruntled, not at all her usual cheerful self.

There was a murmur of interest. They had only ever worked in greenhouse one before - greenhouse three housed far more interesting and dangerous plants. Professor Sprout took a large key from her belt and unlocked the door. Harry caught a whiff of damp earth and fertilizer mingling with the heavy perfume of some giant, umbrella-sized flowers dangling from the ceiling. He was about to follow Ron and Hermione inside when Lockhart's hand shot out.

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