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You're a new kid in South Parks high school.


There are four missing teens who you've trying to help find once more. None of which, you've met yet, but their friends are worried and want you to help, at the very least. You choose to have empathy, and help them out. 

You walk into a room. There's not much there. There's a few chairs, a table, a lamp, some paper, a pen, and four files. You walk over. Then you grab the four files. Sitting down on the chair near the table. Then after opening theme you read the names.

Stanley Marsh.

Eric Cartman.

Kenneth McCormick.

Kyle Broflovski.

Those were the four boys.  You pause for a moment. Eric, Kenneth, Stanley, and Kyle. After a moment, you decide to read Stanley Marsh's file first.

- Fifteen years old.

- Goes by Stan.

- Six feet, and an inch.

- Has a drinking problem.

- Has Aspergers.

- Has seasonal depression.

- Born on October nineteenth.

- Boyfriend of Wendy Testaburger.

- Super Best Friend of Kyle Broflovski.

- Son of Randy and Sharon Marsh.

- Younger brother of Shelly Marsh.

- Last heard of four months ago, on May twelfth.

- Last seen with Eric Cartman, Kenneth McCormick, Leopold Stotch, and Kyle Broflovski.

Well, that's some information. A new name. You can't help but smirk. Maybe this wouldn't be hard. You move on to Eric Cartman. Deciding to go in the order of the files you've been given.

- Fifteen years old.

-Four feet and eleven inches.

-Born on September Seventh.

- Obese.

- Has various mental illnesses, but is trying to fix most, especially his schizophrenia.

- Used to be as bad as the devil himself, but is working to better himself, despite being a piece of shit.

- Has Heterochromia, one eye brown, and the other blue.

- Enemy of Kyle Broflovski.

- Ex Boyfriend of Heidi Turner.

- Super Best Friend of Kenneth McCormick

- Best Friend of Leopold Stotch.

- Son of Liane Cartman and Jack Tenorman.

- Half-Brother of Scott Tenorman.

- Last heard of four months ago, on May Twelfth.

- Last seen with Kenneth McCormick, Leopold Stotch, Kyle Broflovski, and Stanley Marsh.

Huh, another new name. Again with Leopold though. Who was that? You knew Heidi. You didn't know this mysterious Leopold though. Heidi Turner was now a suspect. So was this Leopold Stotch Fellow.

 Suspect number one, Leopold Stotch.

Suspect number two, Heidi Turner.

You decide to write the names down on a piece of paper that's on the table where the files are. Once you're done writing, you move onto Kenneth McCormick.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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