The Way In

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I follow Cody to the place we're meant to be recruited. He knocks on the door and gives the secret password. We walk in and there's a bunch of guys drinking beer and laughing. In the centre there is a boxing ring. A guy with a backwards cap approaches us.

"Hey you the new guys?"

"Yes we a-"


He balltaps Cody and the rest of the guys in the room cheer at him.


I cover my crotch with my hands just incase anyone tries that on me.

"Take off your shirts man you don't need em"

We take off our shirts and the guy starts to explain what this club is about.

"We love to play nutball and make bets on who's gonna win"

"What's nutball?"

"You see that boxing ring over there"


"Two bro's sit across from each other and take turns trying to hit each other in the cajones"

"Tree hits and you're out, then everyone in the club gets to kick the loser in the nuts"

"If you wanna join you gotta play"

"Sounds like a very nice way to get us all infertile"

"put these on"

He hands us and some other guys some underwear, i wanted to ask where the bathroom was but apparently we were just changing right then and there.

I saw some of the other guys had swollen red looking testicles.


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