My Window

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There is a girl outside my window
Who pricks and prods and pokes at her hair
She wiggle her nose and shuts her eyes
Till the mirror starts to speak in a stare

And all the while I see the girl
There isn't a soul around
To this I testify my heart
Shape and size fit for a crown

A second passes and then a another
The girl outside my window moves to the
Bathroom, turns, and latches it. It is here,
That the mirror decided to cheer

Hey! Hey! It said in a nasally voice of sorts
To this, I had no response - talking mirrors were uncommon in Hoosier parts

Would you like to see a trick? It asked with a smile on its face

"No, no. I'm very well thanks." The girl came back here and would you believe the mirror
Went back to the state of normality
The girl is no longer outside my window.
No pricking or prodding here and there
For three months; Just a mirror in a full stare
It gulps the entire room in a swallow

"I wonder whatever happened to the girl outside my window," I thought, met with a quick reply from the vanity
"my trick! My trick! My trick!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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