Tlkoe Jack Sullivan x female!reader

28 1 20

{y/f/n: your friend's name}

{y/s/n: your sibling's name}



I was sprinting as fast as I could, while Blarg chased me down a street. I quickly turned the corner and ran into my best friend (y/f/n). I grabbed her arm and tried to keep my pace.

"Run!" I yelled.

"What do you think I'm doing!" she yelled mockingly.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"No, I'd rather die," she replied in annoying tone.

"Go ahead, Blarg won't stop you!" I replied angrily.

"Fine," she replied sounding annoyed.After running for a few minutes, a boy attacked Blarg, which made him retreat.

He walked up to us and asked, "Are you girls okay?" I blushed when I saw what he looked like up close. 

"Oh-uh, yeah, we're all good," I replied flustered.

"Good..." He replied, and I swore I saw him blush. "Do you want to come live with me in my tree house?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure! We don't really have anywhere to live anyways," I said happily, still blushing.

"Alright then! Follow me ladies," he said smirking.

 ~*Time Skip brought to you by a very lazy author*~

We had made it to the tree house and I was now sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Hey Princess! What are you doing?" the boy asked walking up to me.

"Just reading a book---wait, did you just call me Princess?!" I asked flustered.

"Yeah..." he replied shyly. "Is that okay?"

"I guess so," I replied blushing.

"By the way, I never got your name," he said sheepishly.

"Oh---my name is Y/N and my friend over there is (y/f/n)," I replied happily.

"I'm Jack!" he said proudly while doing a heroic pose.

"No one gives a crap weirdo!" y/f/n yelled jokingly from across the room.

"Shut up y/f/n, no one needs your crap today!" I yelled back, using the same tone as her.

"I thought you two were supposed to be friends..." Jack said with a confused look. y/f/n and I looked at each other and started a giggle-fest. Jack looked bewildered. 

Once we calmed down I looked at him and said, "We are friends, but we make fun of each other to cope." 

"I hate you!" they jokingly growled from the other side of the room.

"I hate you too!" I said proudly while glaring at them.

"Ooookay then, I'm gonna go try to fix my walkie-talkie so I can contact my best friend Quint," he replied awkwardly. 

{Time Skip brought to you by Blarg's bad breath!}

I was now laying on the couch trying to sleep when Jack suddenly yelled,"Bajingo!" I quickly sat up out of surprise.

"What happened?" I asked sleepily while rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry about that Princess, but I fixed my walkie-talkie!" he replied happily.

"Good!" I replied excitedly while walking over to him.

"You guys are so cringy!" y/f/n said. 

"Oh yeah? Well you simp over people that are probably zombified by now!" I said jokingly.

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