The forgotten O5 // Introduction

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Around the D-Class cells , there is an old story wandering around that the elders are keeping alive and narrating to the younger ones out here . This story warms up hearts , and gives a little bit of hope in these rusty blood stained cells. Some souls had the disgrace of talking about it to some interior security agents. The spark of hope in the D-Class eyes quickly faded away after the guard brutally terminated him with a bullet right through his head. Everyone knew that the Guards and the MTF had no remorse for killing D-Classes for nothing , but for asking about a stupid urban myth ? Everyone stopped talking about it for a while , scared that they would endure the same punishment . Exept in a cold day of winter , in the site director's office . He got to this grade around a month ago , so he was cleaning up some papers from the old site director. This one day , he had a video meeting with some other local scp sites directors . That was really boring , until a MTF Red right hand joined the video call and shouted : "EVERYONE DISABLE YER MICS , THE ADMINISTRATOR IS GONNA JOIN THE MEETING !!". The famous administrator . He was known to litteraly be the one behind the scp foundation all around the world. The number one . The boss . The owner. His identity was kept secret for obvious personnal security reasons , and rumors says that he is semi-retired now. Even some very high ranked personnal say they didnt even spoke to him in their entire career. Site director is actually a very low ranked grade when you look at the hierarchy . Our site director was litterally in the same video meeting as one of the world's most mysterious and powerfull persons , wich is something that had him staring at his computer screen in disbelief. He thought that was just a technician , or a network administrator , but no , that was THE administrator. Useless to say that everyone listened to the orders and turned off their mics . He joined. His profile was pretty empty , camera turned off , and "the admin" as display name. He started talking to every single site director , one by one , about their site situation. The most flabbergasting thing is that he knew every single detail about what happened through the week in every site , even tho there is hundreds and thousands of scp sites all around the world.And then it was out site director's turn.

"Ok next.. now lets talk about the site 1039-46 , located in toronto canada. Some 05 councils told me about the legend wandering in D-Class cells about a so called "hero" that fooled all the foundation , overcome fundamental rules and sneaked in beetween our lines. Shut down this shitty rumor or else ill bomb your fucking site.Oh , what about the scp's ? we have some keter ones here- dont you worry about that , ill evacuate all the scp's and 05 council members before i reduce yall to crumbs. By letting this run through the cells , what are you trying to create ? A D-Class riot ? Not that they are a menace , they are weak and disarmed. But we need them to continue the foundation's activities. Do you know how much i had to corrupt prisons and country governments to get those prisonners here?? I dont think so. Since you are a freshly new ranked up director , dont forget that your place here isnt aquired and you can be reducted to a D-Class at anytime . So do your job and tame those savage dogs . I dont want ANY incident reported in your site. "

Damn , The Administrator told everyone before him to keep up the good work , and our poor little site director got death threats instead .How unfair. Shortly after this , the video call ended. He kept spending time in his office since he started his journey here , and he didnt really climbed down to see how it was down here in the center of the site . So he decided to document himself about the rumor, not in the best way tho. Well , he basically came into the older D-Class cell's with a interior security guard , and menaced him with a semi automatic assault riffle. Well.. thats not the ideal way to make someone speak. The senior claimed that he just knew that it was about a D-Class that made its way to the 05 councill and to main lead of the foundation. He got later executed for "spreading rumors about the high ranks" and "knowing too much", wich are totally fine reasons to execute a D-Class. This didnt helped out director , so he browsed through all the international files present at this site. And he found a incident report , about a certain "Theresa Arendsen" , that was known to be a hero for the foundation , but just for propaganda , they reduced her to a "threat to the foundation" and a rogue. This little site director spent 2 years trying to understand her whole story and mysteries. He also shutted down the rumor , wich was quite easy and better than getting bombed. Her story was full of secrets and this is why , she was known as one of the most wanted persons in this world , for organised terrorism , thief , mass murder , corruption , identity fraud , use of scp's in non benefic ways , being a threath to the whole human species , and mostly , as The 05 Council's Rogue.

 Her story was full of secrets and this is why , she was known as one of the most wanted persons in this world , for organised terrorism , thief , mass murder , corruption , identity fraud , use of scp's in non benefic ways , being a threath to th...

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