CHAPTER 1 ⁝ Promise

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TW - swearing, violence, gore reference - (murder / death), slight sex reference

It all started with a promise in the sun and moon empire, Dream and Nightmare needed the emotions (positivity and negativity) to be balance since if one was more than the other, the multiverse could maybe collapse (if negativity took over, everyone would feel sorrow and depression giving up their hopes and dreams, if postitivity took over, everyone would of course feel happy but no one would feel sad or whatever, meaning let's say if a family died they would be happy and not able to mourn their death).

So dream and nightmare decided to make a truce to be equal, Dream was not suppose to spread positivity unless his kingdoms villagers were increasing of negativity, And nightmare was not aloud to spread negativity, people think negativity is bad but The negative thoughts are usually what motivate people to seek therapy and get a real understanding of what is going on for them and why they feel what they feel." Without negative feelings, we might stay in less-than-ideal situations when deep down we're in need of something different. So they agreed and made it a official deal, after some time, probably a few weeks later Dream had spread a little TO much positivity, nightmare had sensed it and went to have a talk with dream.

Dream: "I'm so sorry nightmare, i apologize for spreading TO much- i wasn't thinking on how much i spreaded.." dream pleaded for nightmares forgiveness as dream didn't want to go to war, he didn't want anyone to get hurt. "it was a accident" dream quickly said.

Nightmare: "You better be, or else we will go to war- we even made the deal a few weeks ago remember?" Nightmare replied, he had a serious face glaring at dream, his aura was powerful full of negativity, Nightmare scoffed and rolled his eyes narrowing his eyes waiting for dreams response.

Dream: "yes yes, i know-" dream was interrupted by nightmare, dream flinched a little as nightmares voice was a little higher, dreams eyes widen and his pupils shrank a little.

Nightmare: "If you knew then why did you 'accidently' broke our promise?" His voice would send shivers down peoples spine, dream then stood his ground defending himself.

Dream: "No that's not what i meant, i did a little to much positivity for helping my people, just forgive me!- im sorry ok? now lets move on- if one of us breaks it again we will go to war ok?" 

Nightmare: "Fine!- anyways i must be going now as i..have some royal business to do"

Dream nodded his head, nightmare left with a slight grin on his face, dream knew something was of and nightmare was going to do something but he didn't thought much of it, The next day as dream went out of his castle a random lady came up, (humans do not exist in EmpireVerse) the lady had brunette curled hair with bear ears, she was wearing a dress with the sun symbol on it "Lord! oh please help lord!" the lady pleaded with tearing eyes, her hands together like praying "The moon empire is spreading negativity on our side and killed some of the farmers and took some crops!" the woman cried out to dream.

Dream: "w-what?!" dreams eyes widen then narrow in frustration as dream knew nightmare did this on purpose, he knew nightmare didn't do this on accident, he rushed over to the screams and cries of his kingdom, he froze in terror as he saw the bodies on the ground, the withered and stolen crops, the crying children along with some adults, the dead bodies on the ground with blood scattered everywhere- guts on the floor, two of the farmers head splitted open with one of their brain on the ground, the remaining crops were destroyed as they were stood on harshly and now rotten, some young children were also killed as they were walking pass.


Nightmare was in his throne room sitting on his cold threatening throne, he sat their and smirked as his sensed the negative thoughts and feelings, he had more and more power gaining to him each moment as the sun empire was invaded though it wasn't to much as he only wanted a few people to die not many and wanted their crops to be stolen, also  wanted some trees to be gone as they reminded him of his 'mother' Nim and  a bonus was i they didn't have trees they wouldn't be able to grow crops meaning they would starve and die and get ill, he did this because he wanted revenge and he had a feeling that if they went to war he would win and take over the sun empire ruling the two whole kingdoms to himself, the greedy prideful king sat their, Killer who was a knight enter the throne room with his bloody sword, he went near but not to close to nightmare and bowed

Nightmare: "i sense you did that i commanded you to do?..."

killer: "yes my lord" he said, he didn't felt bad for the innocent people he killed, he liked nightmare and thought if he got on nightmares good side he could possibly have a chance with him..

Nightmare: "good, now go your excused and if you see dream say to him this is what he gets for breaking our promise even on accident" he said harshly as his smirk faced with a serious face, he sent spooks down killers spine, killer put on a act though trying to seem tough, his reputation was all prideful and playful, also cheerful which nightmare hated about him, nightmare would always try's and think of ways to make killer feel negative, he would succeed but moments after he would feel positive. Though nightmare knew killers past and knew he wasn't all cheerful or prideful, he was negative and broken with hatred inside of him.

Killer leaves nightmare nodding his head, he walks outside the castle guarding the door royal gates with horror, horror would always tease killer for having a crush on nightmare, he knew it was his perfect chance to tease him more.

Horror: "heh you still have a crush on the big negative harsh goop lord?"

Killer: "yeah- got a problem your ass cant find someone to love?"

Horror: "yeah yeah keep talking, its not like nightmare is ever going to love you back, you know he hates all romance loving stuff, and he's homophobic- he'll call you the devil if you confessed!"

killer sighed a little frowning, he when blushed a little "I cant help it, bet he's good in bed" he said jokingly as the goofy guy he was.

Horror: "keep dreaming-.. look its the positive guy.." horror said whispering to killer as he spots dream with a furious face.

Dream: "let me in i need a talk to my brother" he said seriously

Killer: "Nightmare said 'this if what you get for breaking our promise-'" he was interrupted by dream pushing through him and horror, horror didn't really budge much but killer was easy to budge through as he didn't weigh as much as horror, horror was this tough big guy unlike killer. Dream enters nightmares throne room seeing him with serious eyes and a smiling face looking down at dream, the throne room was all dark themed with moon symbols, he also had two banners on his wall behind him between his throne, they were a black apple with a purple banner.

Dream: "why nightmare!" dream loudly said

Nightmare: "i'm tired of people always looking up to you, why not me?" he chuckles as he leans over to dream "and, if i win this war ill take over your kingdom and rule over all making their lives HELL" nightmare said with a prideful cocky attitude, he smirks waiting for dreams response

Dream surprised nightmare, his right leg was behind himself and left in-front, he points his finger out to nightmare laring at him mangening to shock him making him flinch

Dream: "Then so be it! i dream will let this war happen, if you win you get my side of the kingdom and get to rule it all!" he said angrily 

Nightmare: "and if"

Dream: "you'll have to stop spreading negativity- FOR- no reasons, you need a reason to spread the negativity..and if you dont then dont bother with your people" he added on quickly putting his arm down by his side glaring at nightmare with a serious face.

Nightmare: "heh you did something that no one else did before- you surprised me.....fine- let it be, it about 3 weeks the war will begin, as we will get ready and prepare"

dream when nods in agreement and rushes off, swooshing's through killer and horror in surprise, making killer fall on his ass, horror laughs at him.

Killer: "don't laugh you fucking asshole!"

Horror: "Yeah yeah whatever" horror laughs still

 dream rushes and enters his empire and his castle panicking pacing back and forth, cross enters the room looking at dream waiting for him to explain why he's pacing about.

OK THATS ALL FOR THIS CHAPTER- i really tried to make it good, so please comment ideas or tips!! <3 (might edit later idk its 3:30 in the morning)

Dream + nightmare belongs to Joku - jokublog

Empireverse belongs to Lunnar-chan

Killer belongs RahafWabas

horror belongs to Sour apple studios

Cross belongs to Jakei95 / jael peñaloza

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