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Hiiiiiiiiii!!!! I'm so excited for this! Recently I devoured the Shatter Me series and it's safe to say, that the books changed my life. Maybe I'm just being dramatic, but my dramatic ass is going to take action on this. So... after I wept and had an existential crisis I browsed for some fanfic, but nothing quite hit the spot (still some absolutely fabulous stories out there <3). Obviously, I had to take so action. I had two pretty concrete ideas, but I simply can't keep up with that many books. So came the horrifying act of deciding. There are two, roughly 1500-word snippets here of two different storylines I could explore. Whichever gets more support (votes, positive comments) in a month I will develop into an actual fanfic. They both have the same OC: a 17-year-old girl named August Lilith Ebony who has the ability to create powerful, realistic illusions, being able to make people feel things that aren't real (Illusion manipulation) and has photokinesis, the ability to generate and manipulate light. Her backstory is different in both of them, but the basis of the character is similar.

Here's a quick rundown of both of them:

Like many Shatter Me fanfics, a girl with powers in an asylum is taken by Warner. Only this time, her guard is Kenji. Not sure if I'll give her a love interest, but I'd love to explore this one more, as August has a more rebellious, angry nature... basically what Warners experiment needed...

This one is a lil different because August is a teen trying to escape her family, as they abuse her due to her powers. One day, she happens to almost get run over by the tank that carries Juliette, Kenji, James and Adam (ugh) to Omega Point the first time, using her powers to defend herself, leading them to take her with them to Omega Point. Again, not sure if I want to give her a love interest. Also, I'm noticing that this blurb is considerably longer than the other one, but I swear I'm equally enthusiastic about both of them!

Also, if you have ideas for anything, please please please let me know!!! DM me or leave a comment, please. If you don't have a Wattpad account and have an idea, DM me on Pinterest @everystarandthemoon!

Also, I am looking for a title idea. Usually, I try and adapt a quote from the og book like with my TIG fanfics, but I've noticed many shatter me fanfics have titles that are (verb that's not shatter or any of the other og titles) me, but I had the idea to do me, (past tense verb that's not shattered or any of the other og titles).

Ideas, thoughts?

Ok, go read!

Ily all!

DISCLAIMER: theses are very loose, and likely will not be the exact first chapter of whichever story

COPYRIGHT: obviously these characters belong to the queen tahereh mafi, not me

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