Chapter Twelve

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THE ROOM fell silent as Stiles' question lingered in the air. Derek had made his stance clear: if Scott and Stiles wanted to keep Alex around longer, it was up to them to figure out a way to distract her and her brother.

Scott glanced at Stiles, a look of determination in his eyes. "We have to try," he said, his voice steady despite the emotions churning inside him. "Alex has become a part of our lives, and I can't imagine our world without her."

Stiles nodded, a spark of hope igniting in his chest. "You're right, Scott. We owe it to ourselves and to Alex to at least give it a shot."

Stiles paused, he played with his thumbs as he spoke, "What if Derek tries to stop us? He doesn't already like the fact that we're doing this."

Scott sighed, understanding Stiles' concern. "Derek may not agree with our decision, but he cares about Alex too. He won't jeopardize our plan, even if he doesn't fully support it." He placed a hand on Stiles' shoulder. "We're in this together, and we'll figure it out one step at a time."

Stiles nodded, drawing strength from Scott's reassurance. "Okay. So what's our first step?"

Scott thought for a moment, his mind racing with ideas. "We need to find a way to keep Alex and Caleb occupied, something that will make them want to stay longer without raising their suspicion."

Stiles furrowed his brows, trying to think of ways they could do this, "What if we faked a supernatural phenomenon? Alex knows our story like the back of her hand, right? What if we created something and we 'pretended' to need her help?"

Scott's eyes widened at the suggestion. "That's brilliant, Stiles!" he exclaimed, impressed by his friend's ingenuity. "If we can create a situation that's intriguing enough, Alex might be eager to stay and help us figure it out. And since she already knows so much about our world, she'll be the perfect candidate to assist us."

Stiles grinned, pleased with Scott's enthusiasm. "Exactly! We just need to make sure it's something that won't put anyone in danger, but still piques her curiosity."

"So what kind of phenomenon do you think we could fake?" Scott asked, his mind already spinning with possibilities.

"What if it had to deal with Allison? Like something with her turning into a werewolf or something? I don't know."

Scott hesitated, his smile fading slightly. "I don't know, Stiles. Using Allison as a pawn in our plan doesn't feel right. She's our friend, and I don't want to put her in a position that might potentially endanger her."

Stiles sighed, realizing Scott had a point. "Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be fair to drag Allison into this. But maybe we could come up with something that relates to one of the other supernatural creatures we've encountered?"

Scott nodded, warming up to the idea once again. "That could work. What if we fake a situation involving a banshee? Alex knows how important Lydia is to our group, so she might be invested in helping us if she thinks Lydia's in trouble."

"That's perfect!"

Scott grinned, relieved that they had come up with a plan that didn't involve putting their friends in harm's way. "Alright, now we just need to figure out the specifics. How do we make it seem like Lydia's in danger without actually putting her in danger?"

Stiles rubbed his hands together, excitement bubbling up within him. "Leave that to me, my friend. I've got a few ideas up my sleeve."

Scott gave Stiles a warning glare, but Stiles put his hands up in defense, "Nothing bad! Trust me, dude. I've got this."

Scott chuckled, his trust in Stiles outweighing his initial reservations. "Alright, I believe you. Let's get to work then."

As the two friends began to plan their elaborate ruse, they couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and guilt. They knew that manipulating Alex's curiosity was a risky move, but they were determined to do whatever it took to keep her in their world a little longer.

As Scott and Stiles hatched their plan, Derek found himself alone with his thoughts. He couldn't deny the connection that had formed between Alex and the rest of the group, himself included. She had quickly become like a sister to him, and the thought of her leaving left an emptiness he wasn't prepared for.

At the same time, Derek knew that it wasn't their place to try and keep Alex in their world against her will. He had seen firsthand the dangers and sacrifices that came with being a part of the supernatural world, and he didn't want to subject her to that if she wasn't ready or willing.

Derek sighed, torn between his loyalty to his friends and his desire to protect Alex from the harsh realities of their world. Whatever happened, he knew that their lives would never be the same without her.

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