Finding Jay ⚡️

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Hey guys! My first story so feel free to leave and critiques. Also I do not own the characters just the story I come up with. Anyways hope you like it!

Chapter 1

     Five years. That's how long it had been since Nya had seen the love of her life, Jay Walker. She sat on the edge of his bed in his long empty room in the monastery, scanning all the objects and pictures that had been gathering dust. She felt tears threatening to spill, and she dug her nails into her palms in an attempt to keep them in. Her eyes settled on a picture of the two of them displayed proudly by his bedside, and the sight of his smiling face broke her. The tears held back for so long burst from her eyes and sobs rip out from deep in her chest. Where is he??? How has he not come back to them in 5 years?? How has she failed so miserably in trying to find him? She couldn't tamp down the hurricane of grief and guilt in her chest.
     A rap sounded from the door, and Nya tried to calm herself to no avail. As Lloyd creaked open the door, his worried face scanned hers, and she roughly wiped her tears away.
"Nya," he whispers, the broken look on his face matching her own. "We will find him." She started sobbing harder and he crossed the room, gathering her up in his arms. She let herself grieve again for the first time in months, letting go of all the sadness and guilt inside of her as she sobs into his chest.
     "Why hasn't he found us if he's still out there??" she hiccuped once she calmed down enough to speak. Lloyd looked pained, as if not sure how to respond. She knew it was unfair of her to expect answers from him, when she knew he couldn't know the answer to that question any better than she did.
     "I don't know," he admitted sadly. "But you know Jay. He's tough. He can look after himself." She straightens up, trying to regain her composure but Lloyd could tell she was struggling. She remembered her brother Kai and her grief doubled. She felt horrible for mourning Jay when her brother was out there lost. But as much as she ached for Kai, she at least had an idea of where he was sent and that he was okay. With Jay, he had been lost so long that he might not even be... No. She couldn't think like that or she would lose it.
     "I need to go find him, Lloyd. Everyday I don't spend looking for him is killing me a little more."
     "I know. It's been killing me too. We haven't had a moment to breathe since we reassembled the team, between Imperium and Lord Ras and training the new ninja. And we've been working around the clock to find Kai. But Nya," he said, looking her in the eyes, "It's time to put everything aside and just look for him and Kai. They need to be our first priority. The team is-" he pauses, attempting to stay strong for her sake, "It's not complete without them." Nya gazed up at Lloyd gratefully, thankful that she was not alone in her grief. Sometimes she forgot just how much the rest of the team struggled with her losses too. "No matter what, we will track them down and bring them home."

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