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This is just after the timelord doctor left on the beach

Chapter 1

I tern around and the doctors gone. I think I'm about to cry when my doctor takes my hand and I know everything is going to be OK. "Let's go home!" I whisper. "This beach holds to many sad memory's! We start walking towards Jackie. She will understand.

"Oh God now we got him permanently!" She jokes. She's always like that. I just don't reply, I see no point seen as she's going to make jokes like this for the rest of my life!

"Hey, no need to be like that!" Says the doctor. "I might become your son in law, if you'll have me... What I'm trying to say Rose is..." He starts. He gets down on one knee. "Rose we've known each over so long and I can't bare to be without you. So what I'm trying to say is. Rose will you marry me!"

I stair at him shocked! He's asking me so soon! No like he said I've known him a long time. "Yes!" I croak, my mouth has gone so dry from the shock! "Yes I will marry you!" I hug him and we shear a true kiss...

"Don't get all lovey dovey here in public I'm still here you know!" Says Mum. We all laugh.

"Well you better get use to it! Your going to have this for a long time!" I tell her still giggling. We start walking again and get a taxi home. The doctor hasn't seen our house, It's a lot bigger than the flat Mum and I use to live in. Its like a posh Victorian Manor I'm sure the doctor will like.

I open the door and see the amazement on his face. "You live here!" He mumbles. "Yep, well me, Mum and Pete." Pete is my Dad for this parallel world.

"I haven't seen Pete boy for a while! Should I start calling him Dad!" He laughs, so do I. I'm hoping he's just joking about calling him Dad. That wouldn't go down well!

"Your just joking right!" I ask just to make sure.

"Do you really think you will catch me calling he Dad?" He asks starting to be more serious now. But I can't help laughing this is no time to be serious! "Guess not! Let me give you a tour I can I mean we can tell Pete later, oh and Mum let us tell him OK!" I say, hoping Mum Will listen.

"Fine but if he see's me home he's going to ask what happened!" She warns, she is making a good point! How are we going to get around that one? I'm just about to ask when the doctor butts in.

"Just don't let him see you then!" He commands. That would be the easiest solution but I don't think she likes it! "Fine let's go and tell Pete now you can have the tour later!" I say. The doctor looks a bit unhappy but still goes along with it.

I hope he's going to be happy Dad can be a bit strange sometimes but he likes the doctor he got Mum and him together again didn't he? Well that's one way you can put it. When we get to Dad he is just putting there baby Tony to bed. My little brother! "Jackie your back at last!" He shouts nearly waking William. They run to each over and I look away, its really gross when they kiss! "Doctor, your here!" He says and sluts. "And Rose your OK!" He gives me a hug. "How did you get here?"

"I'm not the Doctor who traveled time and space with Rose I'm a human version of him! Its complicated and hard to explain but I'm here!" He says, Dad looks just as happy for him to be here. "This means I'll age like a human and die like a human with Rose!" He adds.

"And Dad we've got some news for you!" I say. "We're getting married!" Dad looks at us astonished! Its like he's angry and happy at the same time his expression is hard to read. "Dad are you OK?"

"I'm more than OK! This is brilliant! Doctor welcome to the family!" He continues. "You have so much to do, so many preparations to make! I'm going to make this perfect for you I promise!"

"Wow! A bit rushed don't you think! Lets get the wedding arrangements done later now..." I start but Mum interrupts. "You need to get him registered with the doctor and get him to seem as human as possible to the world starting with a human name!" She commands and we know we don't argue with Jackie!

"She's right! What's your human name going to be?" I ask, this will cool mum down.

"What name do I always use when people ask?" He questions. He does use another name John Smith! "Well hello, Mr John Smith!" I smile putting on a posh accent. "Not only do we need to get you registered we need to get you more clothes and some toiletry's!" I say. "We need to go shopping!"

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