Chapter 2: Tears and Reflection

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It was a Saturday, we see Lincoln having lunch at the table until he decides to speak to the reader.

Hello guys, I didn't see you coming - Lincoln said while having lunch - some of you may be wondering what happened between me and Ronnie Anne? - pauses to drink orange juice - I'm going to tell you.

It all happened when me and Ronnie Anne were 17 years old, we were dating - said the white-haired man with some nostalgia - we had each other, we talked about silly things, we kissed, sometimes we caressed each other in forbidden places it was perfect, but in life is not all rosy


I'm coming to break up with you - said Ronnie with some pain.

Because? - Lincoln said with tearful eyes - Did I do something wrong?

No, you didn't do anything wrong - Ronnie said - it's just that... I no longer feel the same love that I had for you before.

Please Ronnie, don't leave me - Lincoln begged.

I'm sorry, it's over - Ronnie said and then ran away about to cry.

Leaving Lincoln on his knees, letting tears run down his face.

End of Flashback

Sorry - Lincoln said with tears in his eyes - I don't like to tell this story - he grabs a handkerchief and wipes his tears - well I have to go get ready for Lori's baby shower, see you

He finishes eating, washes his plate and goes to take a bath.

After Lincoln bathed and changed, he went straight to Lori and Bobby's house. After he arrived at that home, he knocked on the door and was greeted by his sister.

Hello Linky - said Lori (34 years old) while hugging her brother - how nice it is to see you.

Likewise, Lori - said Lincoln, who reciprocated the hug, then looked at Lori's belly - how is he or she?

Okay, come on in - Lori said entering the house with her brother - Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn and Lucy are here

Upon entering the house we see the aforementioned sitting on the sofa except Lucy.

Girls - said Lori addressing her older sisters - our brother is here

Hello Linky - they all said in unison and went directly to hug him.

"I missed you too," Lincoln said as he reciprocated the hug. "Wait, where is Lucy?"

Here I am - said Lucy (19 years old) coming out of nowhere scaring everyone - hello linky

Hello Lucy - Lincoln said as he placed his hand on his heart - wait, what about Bobby?

Bobby is in the bathroom - said Leni (32 years old) innocently - I hope he doesn't break his hand knob.

Leni for the last time - said Luna (31 years old) - this is not our house

If it were our house - said Luan (30 years old) - it would collapse ha ha, do you understand?

Well, let's leave the bad jokes - said Lynn (25 years old) - and let's talk a little about what the others are coming up with.

A few minutes passed, Bobby came down from doing his things and Lisa (18 years old) and the twins (both 20 years old) arrived, Lily was not there yet because she had her studies in high school and obviously Rita and Lynn (father) they had to pick it up

And you tell me - Lincoln said to Bobby with a soda in his hand - why did you wear flip-flops to a date with my sister?

Have you gone on a trip to Central America once? - said Bobby (34 years old) - it's hot there, so how is your love life going?

Let's say literally - said Lincoln taking a sip of the soda - it's in the drain, by the way, I met your sister on Monday

Wow, seriously - said Bobby - did he tell you he was going to get engaged?

Yes - said Lincoln, starting to get depressed - what do you think?

To begin with - Bobby said - I don't think he's the one for my sister, I don't have a good feeling.

"That's the same thing I told her," said Lincoln, starting to tear up, "but after all, she's happy."

You're crying? -Bobby said when he noticed that he was tearing.

Yes, I'm fine - said Lincoln getting up from the chair - I need time to think - said the previously mentioned so I can reflect and cry a little

Meanwhile with Ronnie Anne

We see Ronnie Anne sitting on the edge of the bed, who was wearing a black dress that reached her knees and heels of the same color.

Ronnie Anne was thinking a little more about what Lincoln had said before he left the cafeteria, in her mind she was asking herself many questions. Did Chandler feel something for her? Did she really love him? But her thoughts were interrupted when Chandler walked into the room wearing a tuxedo.

Hello Ronnie - Chandler said - I was looking for you, is everything okay?

Yes, everything is fine - said Ronnie - don't worry, I was just thinking a little.

Well, when you're done you can come back - Chandler said as he left for the party.

Yes, yes, here I go - Ronnie said when he saw Chandler leave.

Then he reflected again, and in his mind he asked himself many questions: did he really change? Erred? Was it real love? There was only one thing she could do and it was a test.

He got up from his bed and from there he started looking for the fire alarm and he didn't hesitate to sound the fire alarm.

Now what - Chandler said when he heard the fire alarm, then he turned to the guests and said - ok, everyone, let's go outside, without pushing.

As the guests headed out, Chandler went to pick up some things while Ronnie watched.

"I'll have to take it with me," Chandler said while grabbing a video camera, a laptop and a cell phone.

Ronnie Anne, upon seeing this, was greatly disappointed, he never changed, he was the same cretin from 11 years ago, and all he could say was that Lincoln was right, Chandler didn't care about Ronnie Anne, only materially.

And the chargers? -Chandler said while he held the aforementioned objects-Ronnie, do you know where the chargers are? he-he shouted but he didn't respond-RONNIE.


He continued to scream, but Ronnie Anne was already gone.

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