Chapter 1: Meeting the Destroyer and a New World

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Set in a dark and grimy alley, we find 6 delinquents sprayed out across the area, all unconscious with bruising and bleeding evident on all of their faces.

Delinquent Leader:"S-Stay away from me!!!"

The leader of the group grunts with fear as he tries to scramble away from the person in front of him.

The person in question was a boy that didn't look older that 15 years old, he had shoulder length brown hair and black eyes, he was wearing a simple white shirt under a black jacket, a pair of blue jeans and running shoes. His name is Lucielis Tensei, but his friends called him Luciel or 'Luci' for short. He was glaring at the leader with some blood on his face, some was his, and some was from the other delinquents.

Delinquent Leader:"L-Listen man!!! We promise to stop shaking down people for money!!! We were just playing, honest!!!"


Luciel only scoffed at this before slamming his foot against the delinquent's face, knocking him out in an instant, he looked around an instant while panting in both anger and exhaustion.

Luciel:"Assholes" he muttered before looking at the other end of the alley "Hey, you can come out, it's safe now"

From behind a dumpster came out a girl around his age, she looked at the unconscious delinquents before looking at Luciel's bloody face, instantly becoming worried.

Girl:"Oh my god, are you okay?!"

Luciel:"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it, most of the blood is theirs"

To recall what happened. Luciel was simply doing a stroll around town before hearing what sounded like a struggle down the alley, when he went to check what was happening, what he found was a gang of delinquents trying to shake this girl for money and probably something else, so Luciel went to help the girl, the delinquents tried to make Luciel back off, he told the girl to hide while he took care of this, you already know the rest.

The girl cleaned a bit of Luciel's face with a handchierf


Girl:"No, I should be thanking you. Who knows what those guys would have done have you not stepped in"

Luciel:"it was nothing, but I should be going now" He started walking back to the entrance of the alley.

Girl:"Wait!" She called out making him stop "What's your name?"

Without turning back he answered.

Luciel:"My name is Lucielis Tensei" he kept waking out of the alley and then down the street.

He kept walking with his head down and his hands in his pockets, after a while he heard crying. Looking up he saw a little kid standing in front of a tree bawling his eyes out.

Walking closer he saw why the kid was crying, stuck on a branch was a red balloon.

Luciel:'The kid probably let go of it by accident' He thought to himself.

He patted the kid in the head before climbing the tree before grabbing the balloon's string and climbing down.

Luciel:"Here you go kid, be more careful next time" He said giving back the balloon to the kid who stopped crying and smiled when he saw it.

Kid:"My balloon!" He took it before smiling at Luciel "Thanks, Mister!" he then took of running down the sidewalk.

Luciel Smiled a little seeing the kid happy and thanking him before walking back home.

What he didn't know what's that he was being watched by someone from a rooftop.

???:"Hmm. Strong, caring, gentle and going out of his way to help others. Yup, I'm sure he's the one" the stranger said before leaving. Not without taking a picture of Luciel from a 'Magenta' camera.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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