petit ami

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Berlin walked in a bit more and said, "Oh, je n'avais pas réalisé que je m'immisçais chez toi et ton petit ami." (English translation: "Oh, I didn't realize I was intruding on you and your boyfriend.")

Berlin's boyfriend laughed and Imogen let out a small smile. Eloise kissed her teeth and replied, "Ce n'est pas mon petit ami." (English translation: "He is not my boyfriend.")

Tristan looked at Eloise confused and said, "Could you translate what she's saying for me?"

Eloise started getting up and replied to him, frantically, "Fermez-la!" (English translation: "Shut up!")

Eloise dragged Berlin out of the room to Javon's room. "It's not what it looked like," Eloise said sounding frantic. Berlin shrugged her shoulders and replied, "But so what if it was, Eloise?"

Eloise shook her head and replied, "Tu sais que je ne pourrais pas, j'ai trop de dignité pour quoi que ce soit avec lui. Tu le sais." (English translation: "You know I couldn't, I have too much dignity for anything with him. You know that.") Berlin wrapped her arms around Eloise's neck and embraced her saying, "That doesn't mean you can't admit that you think of it."

Eloise grits her teeth together and Berlin finally lets go. "Oh, I almost forgot what I came here for, you're going to Evan's party, right?" Eloise let out a little shrug as they walked back to her room and said, "Yeah, I guess I am." Berlin squeals and says, "I'm ecstatic right now, my three most favorite people ever are going, and Tristan too." By that time, they were all already in the room together, and everyone let out a laugh.

"Haha, you're so funny, maybe you should take up comedy instead of track. You run your mouth more than you actually run anyway," Tristan spat back which caused an eruption of laughter.

Berlin narrowed her eyes and made a face and Tristan returned it with his tongue stuck out.

Berlin rolled her eyes and strolled to Eloise's desk to look at the homework she had out.

"You get this done, and we'll sit downstairs watching TV, okay?," Berlin said.

Eloise smiled at this, Berlin knew how much she liked the quiet when getting work down, because if you gave her an hour, everything would be read, proofread and organized into her done pile. She replied, "That'd be nice, thank you."

Tristan just stared at the Eloise and smiled. Tristan liked the light in Eloise's eyes when she felt happy and not overwhelmed. Eloise was always overwhelmed even when she didn't need to be, but she had these moments where she'd have this relieved look, and it made Tristan's day, more than you would understand.

Tristan let his eyes wonder to the bed and remembered last night. He felt Eloise shivering but she didn't complain, she usually never did. So he took it upon himself to engulf her into him, but it wasn't the shivering that made him embrace her; he wanted to just hold her into him. Tristan saw Eloise as strong willed, but she sometimes needed that comfort, needed the shoulder, but she never asked. Tristan wanted her skin on his, and liked the feeling of their breathing patterns matching, he liked being around her and he especially liked the joy he got from watching her happy.

He was snapped out of it by a slight slap to the face for a concerned Eloise. "They said your name like 5 times and no answer, I was scared you slipped into like an elaborate daydream," Eloise laughed, bending slightly to come into his line of vision.

Tristan grinned a cheeky grin and replied, "Nope,  just thinking."

Eloise laughed as she walked to her desk, replying, "Your mind must be more evocative than you think mine is because you were out of it."

Imogen let out a scoff from the door, where she seemed to be waiting for Tristan, "We have to go downstairs, can you wrap this up?"

Tristan looked from her to Eloise and Eloise let out a small smile, obviously feeling awkward with the situation at hand.

Tristan walked out of the door and Eloise said, before Imogen could close the door, "You know, you don't have to be so vitriol towards him. He's not a horrible person."

Imogen rolled her eyes and replied, "It's not my fault you and your little boyfriend weren't finished talking. And to be frank I think his mind is rather frivolous."

Eloise got up, saying, "What is your problem, plus he's not my boyfriend..."

"Well, news flash! Your boy best friends don't sleep on the same bed as you if you weren't with them," Imogen spat coldly.

She had a point but Eloise spat back, "You don't have any business making false assumptions if I said no. And I understand you're mad about the train station thing, but that wasn't me who left you by yourself."

"You didn't listen when-"

Eloise cut get off, "No, you let me speak. Let's get this clear Imogen, I never forced your ass to come with me, you agreed. I did not hold you at gun point to get into the train, you walked in yourself. Then something went wrong and you did not want to be there all of a sudden. I did not force you to do anything, you went along."

Imogen's face went blank, "I-"

Eloise was furious, she widened her eyes while waiting for the rest of her sentence to come out, "You what? Oh wait, I know what you did! You ditched me. Even if it was a stupid idea, you ditched me. Even though we've been friends since forever, YOU DITCHED ME! And then you ghosted me."

Imogen frowned and replied, "It's not like that Eloise..." she looked down, "There's so much more."

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