3. practice, chats and shirts

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The next day, Shubman found himself back on the cricket field, surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds of practice. As he warmed up with his teammates, he couldn't shake the lingering excitement from his conversation with Maitreyi the night before. Despite the intensity of their training session, his mind kept drifting back to her, a smile playing at his lips as he remembered their playful banter and shared laughter.

During a break in practice, Shubman joined his teammates – Ishan, Virat, Hardik, Shreyas, and KL Rahul – as they gathered around, their faces flushed with exertion but their spirits high.

"Hey, Shubman, you seem like you're in a good mood today," Ishan remarked, nudging him playfully with his elbow.

Shubman grinned, unable to contain his excitement. "Yeah, I had a great conversation with someone last night. It's got me feeling pretty upbeat."

His teammates exchanged knowing glances, their curiosity piqued. "Ooh, spill the beans, mate. Who's the lucky lady?" Hardik teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Shubman chuckled, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck. "Well, her name's Maitreyi. We met by accident, but we really hit it off. She's amazing, guys."

Virat raised an eyebrow in interest. "Maitreyi, huh? Sounds intriguing. Tell us more about her."

As Shubman launched into a lively description of his conversation with Maitreyi – her quick wit, her infectious laughter, the way she had managed to captivate him with just a few words – his teammates listened with rapt attention, hanging on his every word.

"Sounds like you're smitten, mate," KL Rahul remarked with a grin, clapping Shubman on the back. "I'm happy for you."

Shubman grinned back, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie wash over him. "Thanks, KL. I've got a good feeling about this one."

As the banter and laughter continued, Shubman couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of his teammates. With their encouragement and friendship by his side, he knew that he was ready to take whatever the future held – both on and off the cricket field. And as they returned to practice with renewed energy and determination, Shubman couldn't wait to see where life would take him next.

As the conversation continued to flow among the players, KL Rahul leaned in with a curious expression on his face. 

"So, Shubman, do you happen to know Maitreyi's last name?" Shubman's smile faltered slightly as he shrugged, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his eyes. 

"Honestly, KL, I have no idea. We didn't really get into details like that. It was more about getting to know each other, you know?"

KL nodded understandingly, though a playful smirk played at the corners of his lips. 

"Ah, the mysterious Maitreyi. Keeping you on your toes, I see."Shubman chuckled, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. 

"Yeah, something like that. But you know what? I kinda like it. Adds a bit of excitement to the whole thing."

His teammates exchanged knowing glances, sharing in Shubman's amusement. 

"Well, mate, here's to the mysterious Maitreyi," Ishan said, raising his water bottle in a toast.
"May she continue to keep you guessing." 

The others laughed and echoed Ishan's sentiment, the camaraderie among the group palpable. And as they returned to practice, Shubman couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building in his chest. Whatever the future held, he was ready to embrace it – mysteries and all.

𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 - shubman gill ✓Where stories live. Discover now