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One month after the surgery, Winter can play her guitar again despite not being as aggressive as before. The melody she played is mellow and slow, which suits the ballad songs she is currently writing for her debuted friend, Chaehyun.

Her doctor said it would take her two to three months to be able to play aggressive notes as before, which Winter is fine with.

She still could play her guitar for her beloved girlfriend, which she enjoyed to her heart's content. Not to mention, when Winter plays for her that song she wrote about Karina, Karina would cling to her like nobody else would.

It would always be in these two positions. Winter sat on Karina's lap while the other girl circled her arms around Winter's waist from behind as she strummed the guitar, or Winter would sit on the couch while her girlfriend sat on her lap but hugged her from the front like a koala. Winter needs to put her chin on Karina's shoulder to be able to play her guitar.

That's what they are doing right now. Winter is on Karina's couch with the taller girl hugging her like a koala.

"When will you permanently move in with me?" the girl asked as Winter strummed some random notes on the strings. "Eager enough?" Winter chuckled.

"We talked about this over a month ago, Winter. I can't wait," Karina pouts, and Winter lets out another chuckle.

"I know."

"Then, what keeps you waiting?"

Winter scoffed before she lifted up her recovering hand after surgery, waving it gently beside her girlfriend. "You knew that my doctor said no lifting heavy things until I'm fully healthy— Ouch!" just to get a slap on her arm.

"Why won't you tell me sooner!" Karina got up from Winter's lap with a grunt before she slowly walked towards her front door, confused Winter even more.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Winter follows right behind after gently putting down her guitar on Karina's couch.

"Where, you guess? To your apartment, of course. We'll be packing. I'm going to lift up your things. You'll move in with me, today, right now!"

"Wait— What?"


Karina didn't lie when she told Winter that she wanted Winter to move in on that day because now, Karina's living room is filled with Winter's things, bags, and boxes.

Winter already put her apartment on sale. Someone already bought it anyway, and the new tenants will move in about two months later.

"Okay... So how can we manage to move all of this?" Winter sighed at the sight of her things that took one over four of Karina's living room. The taller girl smiled before she peck her lips on Winter's cheek.

"Let's do your clothes first. My wardrobe is so big, and yes, I emptied half of the space for you. Let's do that first," Karina pulled away as she held two of the luggage Winter brought from her apartment towards her bedroom. Winter chuckled once, followed right behind as she pulled another luggage with her.

Their day starts like that. Rearranging things here and that. Putting away unnecessary things, making space for Winter's, before soon they realize that they finished everything around eight at night.

Winter's workstation is placed at the corner of Karina's bedroom, with her beatmakers and computer. Electric piano just right beside them, with Winter's guitar stand.

Winter white stool she usually used on her balcony was now on Karina's balcony. The function will be the same.

Winter didn't bring much, to be honest. Most of the big things came from her music composing technos. The other things she brought are only a big amount of clothes and some books and papers.

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