The Disturbance

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You're woken up from your sleep by the sound of loud, obnoxious screaming coming from Albert's room.

Clearly, he's recording a video and if you've learned anything living with him, it's to just let him do his thing.

you sigh and grab your phone knowing that if you try and go back to sleep you'll just be woken up to more screaming.

He continues for only a minute or two longer before getting quieter, though you can still hear him talking but it seems he's cooled down a little bit, talking at a volume just slightly higher than usual, though still loud nonetheless.

You end up getting out of bed and going downstairs to get something to eat.

As you walk downstairs and into the kitchen, you notice the lights in the room are still on and that Albert is nowhere to be seen.

You go to the pantry to grab a snack to munch on when you hear a voice behind you.

"What are you doing up this late?"

"Am I not allowed to be hungry?" You say sarcastically

He gives you a smirk in response, "It's nearly 3 in the morning. I had assumed that you would've been asleep hours ago."

"Well I was but I kinda just woke up"

He walks up next to you, "Hm.. sounds like a you problem." He chuckles,

"What woke you up, anyway? Were you hearing my yelling again?"

"Definitely a me problem" you laugh "Yeah not to be rude but it did"

He laughs too, "Sorry." He shrugs, "I didn't realize I was that loud. I'll try to keep it down next time."

"No it's ok"

He looks down at the snack you're holding, "What are you eating, anyway? At this time, of all times."

"I wasn't really that hungry to be honest just wanted to get up because I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep"

He rolls his eyes, "Well if you just wanted to stay up, you could've just turned on the TV and watched something. It sure as hell beat walking downstairs and rummaging through the pantry for something edible."

"Well maybe I didn't want to"

He chuckles and gives you a smirk, "You're so dramatic. Were you just that tired of hearing me yell?"

"Yeah but I didn't wanna be mean"

He laughs, "Like you care about hurting my feelings. I'm sure it was your own ears that were suffering." He crosses his arms, "Anyway, why didn't you go back to bed to try and get more sleep? It's really late."

"Yeah I probably should" you leave the kitchen and head up the stairs to your room

He also walks upstairs with you after taking his own quick snack, walking upstairs into his room and closing the door quietly behind him. While you're in your room, you hear him quietly begin screaming into one of his microphones again, though you aren't surprised.

You sigh as you try and shut your eyes for the night

For once, it only takes a few minutes for you to drift off into sleep. You aren't sure how long you slept for, but it was apparently just a few hours. You wake up only around an hour or so later as the loud screaming from Albert begins again, making you groan in annoyance.

You see the light shining from under the door, signifying that he's in there. He's still screaming at the top of his lungs, obviously not aware of your annoyance.

You bang on his door loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for the neighbors to complain

"Didn't I tell 3 hours ago to calm down?!"

He raises an eyebrow at you, "Oh, I'm sorry. Were you trying to sleep?" He rolls his eyes, "You know how loud I am when I record my videos. You should know that by now."

"Listen I have work in a few hours and need sleep because I don't wanna be bitchy because of you"

He crosses his arms, "Oh, come on. You're overexaggerating. Besides, you're just a bit grumpy. You can get grumpy all you want, as long as you don't let it get in the way of whatever the hell you're doing."

"Overexaggerating?! Are you serious?"

He sighs again, rubbing his forehead with his hand before responding, "Yeah, you are. You're acting like I just gave you the worst headache in the world because of my yelling. You'll be fine in a few minutes, trust me."

"Because you fucking did Albert! Do you not understand what I meant by keep it down?"

He rolls his eyes again, "Jesus christ, you really need to calm down. Look, if it makes you happy, I'll try to stay quieter, alright? But like I said.." He chuckles once, "I can't say I'll keep this promise for long. I can't just change such a huge part of the way I make my videos, you know? I'll still get loud in time, whether you like it or not."

"Whatever I can't deal with this" you storm away

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