Part 2

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Katherine started to sweat, why wasn't he answering her? He could tell she was worried. 'I'll go and talk to one of the passengers she thought. "excuse me? "She said to the old lady, "do you know when the next stop is?"
The old woman slowly looked up at Katherine and peered at her through her sparse wispy white hair, "we'll get there when we get there" she replied almost as if answering a child who has pestered 'are we there yet' one too many times.
"Sorry I don't think you understand , I fell asleep and I've missed my stop, my room mate is going to be wondering where I am" the old lady didn't look up this time just sang in a little tune "we'll get there when we get there"

"There no use talking to her " a small voice whispered from the back seats, it was the young girl. "She won't give you a straight answer, well she never has given me one and I've been on this bus for ages"
"Ages?"Katherine replied "what do you
Mean? How long have you been on this bus?"
The teenager looked back at Katherine with a lost look in her eyes. "I don't know really, my watch stopped working , it's been a long time though, and the more you talk to the driver the faster he drives, I'm not sure where we are going but I don't think I want to get there any sooner than we need to, so please don't make a fuss and sit down".
Katherine felt hot , what was going on? Why was everyone being so strange ? She felt dizzy and her heart was pounding, she was going to faint, and all she could hear was that song we'll get there when we get there.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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