chapter 3. i end up ship wrecked on another planet

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Chapter 3 I end up ship recked on another planet.

"This wasn't happening" I said as I was taken back to the cell as I did I struggled as they grabbed me and through me in.

As I could see earth as it flied father away and as it did it fly through a light speed thing it almost made me sick.

I got up and said "you aliens take me back home or else I swear to god I am telling the" when suddenly one witch looked like a slimy slug came towards me.

He said "shut it or else this little laser gun will be shot in to your head got it" as he took out his laser gun and was aiming it at me

When suddenly the ship shook a bit "what the heck is that" the pirate said as he went forwards and I could hear the ship shake again.

And again as I looked out of the cell window I could see some kind space like alien squid as it I could see it eyes "what the is that a space squid this is so not worth it".

When suddenly I could see he dropped some kind of key card it must have been for the cage "Okay you can do this" I said.

I reached for the key card as I said "almost there I can almost reach and" I couldn't do anything it was stuck there when suddenly the ship shook again and it was now in my grasp as I reached and said "got it".

I stand up and unlocked the cage thank fully the bars didn't shock me I knew what I would do is scary but I have to get home.

As I walked out looked both ways to make shore I was not followed walked out and ran through the ship as I could see and hid when the space pirates was coming.

I was lucky they didn't see me and when suddenly as I said "nearly there" when suddenly I made a wrong turn and they sure me they was at the end of the hallway.

And they said "Look the kid is lose get him" as they ran after me I ran as fast as I could hoping they wouldn't get me when suddenly one big strong one who had orange skin and four eyes spotted be and had me corned.

He said "nowhere to run know just let me get you" when I realised something and as I was running I slipped in between his pants.

I ran fast as I sure some kind of space pirate he looked kind of strange as he took out his laser gun and said "freeze kid its over get back to your cell.

When suddenly the ship shook and I knew one thing I have to get out of here and as he dropped the gun and I ran and catcher it as I shot him in the shoulder he screamed.

As the others catcher up let's hope though gym class lessons paid off pays of yeah my dad had me do them since I was a kid.

And I ran super-fast and the big strong one looked like he is top letting me go so I shot him in don't ask as he bent down in pain I ran for it past the others as they fired laser and tried to shoot me and I fired right back.

I ran through the hall way there I made a turn and as I shut the door I could see some kind of escape pod.

Looked at one it was open and I said "Okay just relaxes" when suddenly the ship shook and I knew if I stayed I would end up being a slaved eaten or worst killed by a space squid or whatever.

I said "Okay I am leaving the ship" as I went in to the one that was open as I tried pressing every button and I sure the door they was opening it with some kind of laser blade.

If I stayed there any longer I would end up eaten or whatever so I sat down and sure the red button I pressed it and suddenly it closed the door as it launched and I ended up flying in to space.

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