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On this warm sunny morning I wake up to the sizzling smell of... Burnt bread?!? I yawn and look over my shoulder at the time and it's 11. I smile to myself because it's the first day of summer after finally graduating. My thoughts are rudely interrupted by the sound of the fire alarm going off.. I jump in a panic because I know my dog and cats ears are probably about the shrivel and fall off due to such a loud noise it's probably painful for them to hear.

I rush out of my room downstairs to see my little sister looking scared for her life "FAY!! OMG HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID!" I sigh and get a chair to stand on and reach for the detector to turn it off. I look at emy with an angry face and she sheepishly shrugs. I look at the stove and see a horrid attempt at a grilled cheese. "Emy literally what are you doing? You can't even wipe your own ass correctly let alone cook a meal."

I get down and push the chair back under the table and go to open as many windows as possible so the smell can air out. "Seriously why?" She visibly gets annoyed "Mom is sleeping and so were you! Maybe if you weren't so lazy sleeping in I wouldn't almost burn the house down!" I scoff, "so this is my fault?" I say with a louder voice and my mom walks downstairs
"guys calm down what's the problem?" I see she fell asleep in her makeup. Her and my dad went out for dinner last night and came home super late so I'm not surprised she'd be sleeping in.
"Emy was being stupid and tried to kill us." Emy whines "mom no i wasn't fay was just lazy and
my tummy hurts so I wanted some food!" I roll my eyes, fay is literally a little devil she puts on this act in front of my parents because she knows they'll baby her since she's only 10.

I give a look to my mom and I can see she's not buying emy's evil lie "Whatever I'm going to go shower." My mom smiles "okay honey. Oh and ask Ezra if he can take you grocery shopping we need more easy access food for emy." I nod and walk up the stairs and see my cat looking angrily at me as if I made the loud noise that disturbed him. I'm convinced he's been plotting to murder me in my sleep and this might just be his last straw "dude it was emy" I roll my eyes. I get in my room and grab my phone to text Ezra.

Me: Hey get your ass up you have to take me to the store.

Ezra: Is that any way to ask such a kind young man like me for a favor?

Me: Shutup I'll text you when I'm ready.

I turn off my phone and head to my closet to pick my outfit.

I decided to go with a Jean skirt, a black tight long sleeve with my adidas sambas. I like to put a lot of effort into my appearance no matter where I'm going, I've always just been insecure honestly and that's what helps me not overthink. I head in the shower and do my whole routine which takes me about 20 minutes but I had to shave my legs since it's been two weeks and they were starting
to be visibly hairy which I absolutely hate. I step out of the shower and put on my lotion and body oil and make my way to my clothes. I put on my underwear and bra then my clothes and go get some socks.

Once my outfit is on I head to my vanity and take

my hair out of my overnight curlers and put my hair in a half up half down with strands hanging out in the front framing my face. I put a black bow in my hair to match my shirt and put on my gold jewelry. Once I'm done with that I start doing my makeup, I always do light makeup just some light coverage concealer a little bronzer, some blush, highlight, and mascara. I love looking like I'm not wearing much makeup like the clean girl look. I swear I watched like fifty of those videos trying to perfect it. It did pay off I will say.

I pick up my phone and text ezra.

Me: okay come get me

Ezra: took you long enough

I roll my eyes and grab my perfume and just spray it on my neck and wrists. I grab my shoulder purse and head downstairs.
"I'm leaving mom!" She looks back from the tv okay I left my card for you on the counter. I go and grab it and head out the front door. Ezra is already waiting in my driveway because he lives literally across the street from me.

I walk to his white jeep wrangler which happens to be my dream car.... was his first car. To say I'm jealous is an understatement. I get in the car and put my seatbelt on and get situated and realize we're just sitting in the driveway. I look over and he is on his phone. He's so annoying with that phone of his. I snatch it and say "stop being a douche and drive." He looks at me annoyed and starts sniffing like a dog.. "dude why are you panting?" I ask alarmed. "Is that smell you?" He asks and I smirk he rolls his eyes and says "whatever it is smelled good but not anymore because it's you who's wearing it." I chuckle. "Why does it physically pain you to compliment me? Put your pride aside for once and tell me how pretty you think I look" I say in an unserious tone. "Whatever.". He pulls out of the driveway and starts heading to the store. I smile to myself because I won. Ever since we met which was in middle school Ezra has been my biggest hater but I think it's because I rejected him when we first met.

He had a crush on me in seventh grade and I've never let him live it down to this day. He hates when I bring it up he says it cringes him out. I didn't reject him because he was ugly I'm not blind. I rejected him because he was annoying. Before I even knew who he was his little stupid friends would harass me saying things like " look it's misses Whitlock!" Calling me by Ezra's last name. They just wouldn't leave me alone and I get fed up and said he's not my type.

We get out of the car and he starts walking SO fast I jog to catch up "you know a real 'fine young man' would open my door for me and not speed walk away from me loser." He chuckles "dude you're just short I'm walking at a normal pace" I scoff "I'm an average height actually. Also You're not THAT tall calm it down there big Bertha." H pinches my arm and glares at me "call me that again and I'm leaving you here." I laugh. He absolutely hates when I call him big Bertha i honestly don't know where it came from but he likes to think he's all big and strong so I try to humble him and the first time I said it the reaction was too good to not keep calling him that.

We walk around as I hand him things to put in the cart, as we're making our way to checkout he starts placing the groceries down for the employee to scan and goes to put the cart away as I pay, when he comes back the middle aged lady behind the counter says "well aren't you guys a good looking couple!" Which we get the 'couple' assumption a lot so I'm used to it "we're not dating he's a douche." He scoffs "we're not dating because she's actually a narcissist." The cashier laughs at us "you may not be dating now but you will eventually. I shake my head and grab some of the groceries and so does Ezra.

We make it to the car and put everything away. I go to get in the car and he locks it "Ezra unlock the door" he smirks "I'm serious!" He starts chuckling he reminds me of a bad little kid "say you're sorry for calling me big bertha!" I sigh
"I'm sorry. Now open the door!" He unlocks it.

"You're so childish" he shrugs. I shake my head and he starts driving I feel my phone buzz and grab it to see who texted me.

Cara: you should come to this drive in movie at 5:30.

Cara is one of my closest friends, we've had our ups and downs but I still love her so we always try to work through it all. Although I can't be with her too long or else I get annoyed so Ezra has to go with me.

"Ezra wanna go to the drive in movie later?" He looks over at me,
"What movie is it?"

Me: what's the movie?

Cara: it's a throwback, titanic.

"She said titanic" he throws his head back and huffs like I'm annoying him "that's so girly. I'm not sure if I wanna waste my time watching that."
"Please!! I don't wanna go with cara but I wanna go!" He rolls his eyes "fine but if the movie is bad I'm blaming you." I smile.

Me: okay I'll go. I'll just meet you there.

Cara: okay see you later!

Hey guysssss:) this is my first ever book.
Sorry if there were any typos, I'm not sure how the book is going to go I'm just making it up as I go but I will say I have a lot of ideas in mind so comment what you'd like to see and I'll see what I can do.🩷🩷🩷🩷

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